19 - Buggy

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Jack's pov:

"Tom didn't do anything," Yana claims.

"You sure about that?" I question.


"Gin don't," Murph warns me.

"Don't what? C'mon," Yana tugs onto my arm. I look at Murph and see him nodding 'no' so I change the subject.

"Does everyone know about my injury?"

"Did you not see the paparazzi? That shit's all in the media."

"Oh god," I rub my eyes in exhaustion.

"You guys go sleep, I'll clean up." Murph grabs our dishes.

"Thanks," Yana quietly replies.

We're watching a movie and I notice Yana picking at her nails so I grab her arm.

"What's up?" She avoids eye contact so I rest on her lap, looking up at her. She shakes her head with a smile.

"No, I'm good," she lies.

"Tell me," I whisper.

She sighs before speaking up. "I'm worried that Tom said something about me. We still talk you know?"

"You do?" I ask, surprised.

"Sometimes... I don't want to talk to him if he's, I don't know..., using me."

"No, no, Yana," I laugh, "you're so cute. He didn't do anything to you."

"Then what?"

"Do you remember that letter from ages ago? And we had a fight?"

"The threat?" {reference= chapter 9}

"That was him."

"What?!" She hops up, making my head fall onto the couch. I quickly sit up.

"I'm not lying."

"No, I know, I'm just surprised. I didn't think he'd do that."

"He wants you. Too bad we're together," I tease.

Yana smirks, "Yeah." Then her tongue pokes out of her cheek.

"What else is going on?"

"How do you know this shit?"

"I've picked up on your habits since we were 12. Now go."

She hesitates before eventually admitting she heard I was kissing another girl publicly. I assure her it's not true and she's relieved that it's not a huge rumour. We move on and watch a movie, falling asleep instantly on the couch.


Christijana's pov:

Me and my girlfriends are having a nice lunch at Jazzi's place when the conversation turns to Jack. Alyssa asks how Jack's doing, and I hesitate for a moment before admitting that he was in a car accident. Everyone's shocked and immediately worried. They ask if Jack's okay, and I tell them he's stable, but he's wearing a moonboot. 

"Have you seen Jack since the accident?"

"I was there."

"What?! Are you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I just feel pretty shitty at the moment—you know, Jack being injured. God, he was going to make the team but he's gotta sit on the sidelines now," I tear up.

Always been you - Jack GinnivanWhere stories live. Discover now