5 - Dinner Event

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*TIME JUMP - 4 days later

Christijana's pov:

I'm getting ready for the dinner Jack has invited me to. It's for the players to celebrate their season so far and I'm super excited to see everyone. I've showered and I'm waiting for Amelia to come so we can get ready together. She arrives with her dress in a slip, a makeup bag, and a duffle bag. Amelia's going to crash here tonight since she's quite far from the place, and I'm only a few minutes away. We start doing our makeup together and talk about tonight.

"I haven't seen your dress yet Yana," Amelia realises whilst I'm trying it on.

"I know! I haven't shown anyone yet, not even Jack."

"Oh wow, see I have to show everyone," Amelia replies making me giggle. I come out and see her dressed up too.

"You look stunning!" I gasp.

"Me? You look like Cinderella!" Amelia squeals.

"Come let's have a drink" I suggest. I open some wine and we take a few pictures together. I decide to film a TikTok since I haven't done so in a while.



caption: @amelia_v 💕

liked by abeshean and 1,257 others

view most liked comments:

user1 you are heavenly

amelia_v ❤️
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user21 how does it feel to live my dream?
user90 i dont think shes w jack

jazzi_t gorgeous gals
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user46 hotttt

tomlipinski woweeee 😍
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Jack's pov:

Trent and I have just arrived at Yana's door to pick the girls up. 

"Jack! Your suit is great!" Amelia answers the door.

"You look awesome, nice to see you," I smile hugging her. As I walk in, Amelia and Trent compliment each other. I enter the living room looking for Yana, but she's not here.

"Where's Yana?" I ask Amelia.

"She's not out here?" Amelia looks to me weirdly.

"Yana?" Trent calls out for her but there's no response. I start feeling anxious, where is she? Just as I was about to panic, she steps out of her room.

"Hey guys sorry I was just fixing my hair," Yana sighs and greets Trent with a hug. She walks over to me.

"You look incredible," I widen my eyes spinning her around.

"Thanks, you're looking handsome," she replies adjusting my tie. "Come guys let's have some drinks!" Yana walks over to the kitchen with it already set up. We all sit at the dining table for a while before we make our way to the dinner.

Always been you - Jack GinnivanWhere stories live. Discover now