17 - Mistakes

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Jack's pov:

Yana and I are hanging out after the long day at the event. Things have been a little awkward between us since Cameron interrupted our kiss attempt, but it wasn't enough to ruin their night. We're on the couch watching TV, not really paying attention to what's on the screen. There's a sense of tension in the air, and we both feel it.

Suddenly, the power goes out. It's completely black in the apartment, and we can't see anything.

"Gin?" Christijana slowly stands, trying to walk to me with her arms out. I do the same but we bump into each other. We get startled but giggle it off.

We both try to find a flashlight or a candle, but it's no use. We start feeling a little claustrophobic, so I suggest going outside to get some fresh air. Yana agrees, so we head out into the night.

As we walk down the streets, we stop to look up at the stars. The sky was clear and twinkling, and the atmosphere was suddenly intimate. Without thinking, I take Yana's hand and pull her close to me. We stand there, leaning on each other and watching the stars.



She sighs, "Nevermind, actually."

"I hate when you do that!" I nudge her.

"Sorry, it's just not the right time."

"To admit your crush?" I ask.

"What?! How'd you know?"

"You told me, idiot," I laugh, making her too. "I'll figure it out someday."

"We'll see."

Christijana's pov:

We make our way back and I insist on heading home.

"You're not walking home in the dark! Are you asking to be killed?" Jack seriously questions. "I'm driving."

"Ok then," I reply, entering his car.

Jack walks with me to the front and I unlock my door. I thank him for the ride and hug him goodbye. We stay for a bit before he pulls away, kissing the top of my head. 

I collapse into my covers and think about what happened today. We were at lunch, where we all danced together. Jack and I almost kissed before DC interrupted. I don't know what to think. Common sense is if Jack leaned in as well, he likes me too, right? But what if he was just drunk? And before my thoughts could overload my brain more, I fell asleep.


*5 days later

Christijana's pov:

Jack played the game tonight and did amazingly. He attacked the ball and used every opportunity accurately. He's pretty much guaranteed a spot back on the team, if I say so myself. And for that, we're having a celebration at his place. Murph and I have organised it quickly, and there's been a great turnout so far. That is, before Emma walks through the door.

"Who invited her?" Murph asks me subtly.

"No idea," I sigh.

"Yana!" Jack shouts. "Come dance with me," he slurs.

I smile, amused by his drunkenness. He's always hilarious when he's had too much to drink. I start walking over to him when I see Emma run over and jump on Jack's back. I hesitate joining but Ruscoe pulls me to dance.

Always been you - Jack GinnivanWhere stories live. Discover now