16 - Lunch Event

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Christijana's pov:

Two weeks have passed and I've been avoiding Jack like crazy. We haven't seen each other since our almost "real" kiss. It honestly sucks, but I feel myself pulling away. I tell Jack I'm busy studying or that I've already made plans. I'm with my girlfriends almost every day and we've been partying a lot, as seen on socials. Many people have made online assumptions that Jack and I are fighting but no one really knows what's going on...



caption: Ahahah fan gurl @jackginnivan_33

liked by nickdaicos and 635 others

view most liked comments:

jackginnivan #1 always
christijanaholmes ❤️

alyssa_w cuteeee
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user10 shouldnt u be at the game supporting ur bf?
user53 shes always there

user46 im hotter ginni

user92 prettiest 😍


Jack's pov:

I sit across from Murph in the rooms, after the game, taking a deep breath before I speak. "Dude, what do I do?"

Murph raises an eyebrow. "With Yana?"

"She's been avoiding me, and I don't know what to do. I can't stand this distance shit anymore, you know?"

Murph nods sympathetically. "I get it. Do you think she has feelings for you?"

"I don't know, I'm just gonna move on. If she doesn't even wanna hang out, why should I try and pursue anything."

Murph's shoulders shrug. "I know, but that's easier said than done. Look, she's just scared. Trust me, I know she likes you."

"I can't force feelings. If she's not interested, I have to let it go."

"Okay then..., you're making a huge mistake. Just call her, please."


📞 Calling: Yana 🥰🤩🧚🏼🐨🌻💕

Accepted | Declined

Christijana: Hi?

Jack: What's up with you?

Christijana: Not much, I mean I'm pretty busy you know.

Jack: Drinking with your friends?

Christijana: Jack, I've been caught up with things. I posted on TikTok about you, don't worry about those comments online.

Jack: I don't care what they're saying, I just wanna hang out with you.

Christijana: ...Ok, when?

Jack: Tonight?

Christijana: Yeah.

Jack: Do you actually want to though?

Always been you - Jack GinnivanWhere stories live. Discover now