6 - Discussions

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Christijana's pov:

It's the next morning and Amelia and I are in bed talking about the whole night. 

"Tell me about you and Jack," Amelia says.

"What about us?"

"Ok, ... I know everyone says it but there's clearly something between you two."

I sigh, "I like Jack, I always have but I'm getting over him. Well I'm trying to at least, I've been hanging out a lot with Tom."


"Tom Lipinski."

"WHAT? Yana, are you for real?" Amelia gasps.

"Look I don't know what to do! We've been friends forever I can't just ruin that."

"Jack one thousand percent likes you back. Everyone knows it, Trent sees it, I see it, you see it. You're just scared and I get it but you can't do this to Tom. You can't lead him on."

"I wouldn't do that, I actually enjoy hanging out with him, I'm not using him."

"Ok good becau-," Amelia starts but I interrupt.

"Wait! I just remembered something last night. When me and Jack were dancing, he whispered in my ear that we should date in real life."

"WHAT? Wait what do you mean by date in real life?"

"Oh shit I forgot to tell you, Jack and I started fake dating last night."

"Hold on, you guys are "fake" dating?!"


"An who's idea was this?"

"His, but we're just doing it so everyone gets off his back about me."

"Oh god Yana! It's right in front of you! He likes you!"

"But he was drunk, he woulda said that to anyone there!"

Amelia shakes her head and tries to convince me that Jack likes me. I don't know though because my heart is telling me yes but my brain is telling me no. You know, it doesn't matter because it's not going to happen anyway. 







Gin ❤️🥇🦋🐻🌺🫶

hiii sorry i just woke up


ofc u did, the way u were last night

anyway haha

do u remember us dancing together

Gin ❤️🥇🦋🐻🌺🫶

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