9 - Party

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Christijana's pov:

Jack cuts the box open and we see a note unsigned. We look at each other in confusion and start reading it together. I look to Jack seeing he's still staring at the page.

"We need to leave," I tremble rushing to Jack's room. I come back out putting his hoodie on, shoes, and grabbing my phone.

"Stop, it's just a stupid joke," he grabs onto my shoulders. "Relax."

"Joke? Are you kidding?" Jack doesn't reply, he just rubs his eyes from tiredness. "What if this psycho breaks in here?"

"No they wouldn't, it's just some hater trying to scare me." 

I see the hurt in his eyes. He really is hated by many footy fans, and I don't see why. I mean how could you hate him? Jack's the best person I've ever met.

"We need to go show the police this," I try to warn him.

"Can we just deal with this tomorrow?" He yawns walking to his room, but I don't follow after him. "Yana?" He calls out and comes back out.

"Are we doing it or not?"

"You have nothing to worry about! I told you!" He yells and I step back due to my shock. He's never seriously yelled at me. "Sorry I-, god I'm just so exhausted can we go to bed?"

I start walking towards the door with my things when Jack asks where am I going.

"I'm not staying here," I slam the door and rush to my car, in fear of being watched by the person who dropped it off. I turn my keys in the ignition and start the engine. I begin driving and am slightly disappointed when I don't see Jack come out. I thought he would've tried to sort things out, or at least that's what I would've wanted.

I arrive home and head straight to bed.



Gin ❤️🥇🦋🐻🌺🫶

u took my hoodie again 😏


yana bananaaaaa

look i didnt mean to okay?

talk soon x


Jack's pov:

"Jack we're gonna be late!"

"Tell Craig I'm sick or something," I stay in bed pulling the covers over my face.

"No get up... NOW!" Murph yells so I roll my eyes and sit up in bed. I quickly get dressed, grab my bag and head into the car. I drift off and Murph notices so he nudges me awake.

"Ay! Why you so grumpy?" I ask.

"I'm not, you're acting like a fucking baby."

"No I'm not."

"Really? You didn't even wanna get out of bed 2 seconds ago because you're tired. Pull it together or you won't ever make it back in the team."

I just remain silent for the rest of the car ride.

Always been you - Jack GinnivanWhere stories live. Discover now