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*TIME JUMP - 3 days later

Jack's pov:

It's game-day and a few of us boys have arrived at the MCG. We all start warming up and getting into the headspace of the game. We're waiting in the room below hearing the cheers of our fans. We enter on the field and run through the banner as the Collingwood anthem plays. We do a few running drills and goal kicking practises before we move to our beginning positions.

"3, 2, 1!" The announcer shouts making the crowd go wild. It's a full house, Collingwood verse Carlton, of course it is.

Cox wins the ball in the ruck and taps it into Nick's hands. He handballs it to Adams who kicks it into our forward 50. Checkers and I contest the mark which is dropped by Weitering. I use the opportunity and grab the ball in my hands. I run and kick the first goal of the match, the crowd was going wild. I stick my tongue out (my usual celebration) and celebrate with my teammates. The game continues on.

It's halftime and I've kicked 3 goals. We're all recovering from the first half and snacking on some sugar to retain our energy. We head back onto the field feeling confident as we lead by 26 points. 

I start running back to our forward 50 as we regain the possession of the ball. As I'm running back, I see Yana in the crowd. I smile excitedly but notice someone's arm over her shoulder. A guy. My smile fades away because of my overloaded confusion. A guy? She only ever comes with her girl friends. I continue running forward since no one is here yet. Pendles kicks the ball over to me and I completely fumble it. Weitering eventually catches up and tackles me to the ground. The umpire calls holding the ball and I'm so disappointed, I just let that go.

It's 3 quarter time and Craig asks me what happened before. I say I got nervous but in reality I was distracted. Distracted by Yana and that guy. Craig says shake it off so I do and start getting ready for the last quarter with the boys.

There's 6 minutes left of the game and we're down by 17 points. Josh kicks a goal which puts us 2 goals behind. We continue pushing till the end and end up kicking another one. There's now 2 minutes left and Nick gets the clearance into our 50. I shepard Saad so Jamie can pick the ball up. He runs and kicks a goal. We're in front. I jump with Jamie and fall to the ground. We're in front! Only 30 seconds to go and before you know it, the siren sounds. We've won. I run and hug all my teammates jumping up and down in joy. The audience is as loud as I've ever heard before. I know it's only the middle of the season but Carlton is our number 1 rival. It's a great feeling.


Christijana's pov:

I make my way into the rooms where the boys sing the song together in a circle. What a game! 

"Jack!" I call out waving and he makes his way over.

"Yana!" He picks me up and spins me around. "Hey I'm Jack," he shakes Tom's hand.

"Tom, nice to meet you," Tom smiles. "You played incredible dude."

"Yeah I did alright," Jack says making us all laugh.

We talk for a while before Patrick comes over. "Tom what are you doing here?" Patrick side hugs him.

Always been you - Jack GinnivanWhere stories live. Discover now