8 - Cut

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*Go finish the end of chapter 7 or u will be confused!!! (i finished it for those who already read it before I ended up completing it)


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Jack's pov:

"Jack come," Murph calls out. I've just arrived home from an early run. I walk into his room all sweaty and puffed out.

"Yeah?" I rest my hand on my knees catching my breath. Murph turns his phone to my direction and it takes me a second to realise what's on the screen. I grab his phone and bring it close to my face. "20 minutes ago?"

"I just saw it, aren't you guys a fake couple?" Murph asks when I hand his phone back.


"So act like it!" Murph enthusiastically replies, standing up from his bed.

"We are!"

"No, people are gonna find it weird she's with some other guy."

"Well I can't do anything about that," I say like it's obvious.

"Just set some rules, say you can hang out with whoever just try to avoid posting stuff so rumours don't spread."

"Ok, I'll do that."


I've showered and I'm making my way to our local cafe. Murph and I are seeing a few of the boys there for some breakfast. We all meet up and sit at a table outside. We're all chatting when I notice two guys around our age hanging near us. I realise only Beau notices because he looks at them weirdly too. I twist around to smile at them and turn back to the table. Maybe they're just fans?

"What's with Christijana?" One of them asks which makes the other laugh.

"Sorry?" I turn back around confused.

"Why's she with some other guy?" 

"She's allowed to hang out with whoever she wants," I cross my eyebrows confused. "Go along," I motion for them to leave, but they remain still.

"You heard him, leave," Beau loudly speaks, grabbing the attention of the other boys.

"She's such a slut," one of them says while walking away. I stand up from my seat and Noble tries to pull me back down, but he loses his grip. I march straight to them.

Always been you - Jack GinnivanWhere stories live. Discover now