10 - Jealous

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Christijana's pov:

I awaken and slowly sit up, feeling a thumping in my head. I look around to see everyone piled onto the couches and mattresses in the living room. No one's awake. I observe the group and notice an empty spot between Emma and Alyssa. Jack's gone. I get up and look around Brylie's house, calling for Jack. I start to worry; he could be anywhere right now. Unsafe, unaware, and alone. I look around for my phone but am interrupted by a voice.

"Hello?" I look over to Emma, who is rubbing her eyes.

"Do you know where Jack went?"

"No, shouldn't you?" Emma snaps back.

"Well I was drunk, so I don't even remember half of what happened last night. But you? You were with him all night. Of all the people here, you should know where he is."

"You're just jealous he was with me all night."

"Jealous? Jealous that Jack was eye-rolling your every movement?"

She stays quiet and I'm silently proud I shut her up. I find my phone and see many notifications, but none from Jack. I click on his contact and don't even bother texting, I hit the calling button.

Calling: Gin ❤️🥇🦋🐻🌺🫶

Accepted | Declined

Christijana: Jack?!

Jack: You woke me up

Christijana: And you scared the life outta me. Glad to know you aren't dead

Jack: You didn't want anything to do with me last night, surprised you noticed I left

Christijana: All because we had an argument, you think I don't care?

Jack: Well I don't know...

Christijana: Are you joking?

Jack: Does it sound like I'm kidding. Christijana why did you call me?

Christijana: Christijana? Since when have you ever called me that?

Jack: Whatever, I'm going back to bed

Christijana: Stop acting like dick, I didn't do anything to you

I hang up, confused by Jack. I know I left his apartment the other night angrily, but I was scared by the note. I thought we'd be fine at the party, but he walked past me as if I wasn't there. Then he wants to come up to me while I'm enjoying my time? He's cut because I didn't want to act like a couple for the night. I mean, can you blame me? I was busy having fun dancing.


Brylie, Sarah and I are hanging out to update each other on everything. We decide to go outside since it's really nice weather.



caption: girl really said i'm the jealous one? 🌈🌻🦋💗☀️🫦🐢

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