13 - Goals

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Christijana's pov:

It's Saturday afternoon and a few of us girls are at the footy game. Jack's been selected as the sub, once again. He's super grateful but I know deep down he's very disappointed with himself for not making the team. Jack's trained insanely hard for the past month to get back in.

All the boys come on the field and run through the banner while we all sing the song. I spot Jack and he looks in the crowd for me. After a while, he sees me and smiles brightly. He continues training before the game starts.

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It's quarter time and we're up by 3 points against Essendon. Unfortunately Adams is injured but that means Jack will come on. The team runs back on for quarter 2.

6 minutes go past and an interchange is made. Jack comes running on and everyone starts cheering so loudly, it's deafening. I join in and get a little emotional. He's one of the most hated players but is loved by many. I just know Jack needs this encouragement to give it his all.


Jack's pov:

I run on the field and the MCG roars. I feel even more motivated to do my best knowing that many of the fans are behind me. I start in the forward line but notice not much is happening, so I slowly jog to the midfield. I notice an open position so I call for the ball. Nick passes it to me so I pass it back as he runs and kicks a goal from 50 metres. He quickly turns around and celebrates with me. Leppitsch nods at me; I give him a small thumbs up.

Mitchell comes charging in from the midfield and kicks it into my contest. No one marks it but I kick the ball from the ground and into the goal. The whole team gets around me, knowing how hard I've been working for this opportunity.

I mark the ball from outside 50 and decide to keep it. I know Elliot was free and he'll probably yell at me if I miss this. I take a huge breath, in and out, shutting my eyes. I think of Yana, and how proud she would be if I scored again. I take my run-up and launch it from 52. It's gone through. I lift my arms to the air in deep relief. Thank God.

Checkers fumbles the ball, leaving me with another opportunity to kick a goal. So I pick it up and snap it around the body. 3 to my name.

Craig moves me to the mid so I can help move the ball through the corridor. Cameron gets the tap-out and Degoey receives it. He looks over and passes it to Josh who kicks it to me. I mark the ball and the crowd goes wild, chanting my name.

Always been you - Jack GinnivanWhere stories live. Discover now