4 - Rain

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Jack's pov:

"Gin let's walk Uno," Murph says. 


I get up and put on some runners while Murph gets Uno's leash ready. We start around the neighbourhood and end up walking for a few hours. We stop by a petrol station to grab some water. We come out the store and I see Yana filling up in her car. We walk up to her and she turns around.

"Jack, why do we keep seeing each other?" She laughs. "Nathan, good to see you."

"Hey Yana, who's this?" Murph asks making me look into her car.

"Oh this is Tom."


"Oh so you're Tom?" Murph asks looking at me so I give him a death stare to cut it out.

"We'll talk soon," I suggest abruptly walking away and Murph trailing behind me.

"What was that?" Murph asks acting dumb.

"Way to make it obvious."

"Make what obvious?"

"That I don't like Tom!" I kind of yell accidentally.

"You don't like Tom or you don't like them together?"

"What? They're not together."

"Well they will be unless you put on your big boy pants and finally ask her out."

"I've already told you! I don't like her like that."

"Ok! Soon you'll wish you listened to me," Murph shrugs.

"Sure bud," I sarcastically remark. 

We make our way back home and cook some dinner. Jamie comes over and so does Beau. We all chill for the rest of the night together.


*TIME JUMP -  1 month later

Jack's pov:

It has been a wild month. First my best friend becomes someone else's then I get dropped to the VFL. I couldn't feel worse. Yana's been hanging out with Tom pretty much everyday like we used to. I see her every second or third day which isn't bad but it's not the same. We've drifted and I can't do anything about it. I'm also in the VFL now, fighting for my spot in the AFL. I'm getting death threats and hate comments everywhere I go. Everyone either hates or loves me, and most do hate. People don't realise how much words can affect someone. I didn't either until my struggles with my mental health. Breakdowns almost everyday and an urge to stop footy altogether. But my family and the boys have been pushing me to continue fighting. So, that's what I'm doing.



Always been you - Jack GinnivanWhere stories live. Discover now