7 - Official

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Jack's pov:

I stretch my arms out and rub my eyes open. Yana's still holding on to me, I feel so bad. I wonder what she was dreaming about last night, she seemed so scared. I grab my phone from the beside table and check a few notifications. I see Murph's story and I smile at the screen. She's wearing the socks I bought for her from when we were just 13. I look back over to see her smiling at my phone too.

"You still have those?" I laugh.

"Yeah," Yana croaks, adjusting her posture. She gets up to lean onto her elbow facing me.

"How was you're sleep?" I ask.

"Mmm it was fine," she answers rubbing her eyes.

"I saw you having a nightmare."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, I woke you up and you were so scared. I picked you up from the couch and put you back here."

"I don't remember that! Are you lying?"

"Of course not, then we hugged for a while so it calmed you down. I could feel your heartbeat against my chest dude."

"Oh woah, I honestly don't remember. That's so weird," she says scrunching her face. The door opens and Murph comes charging at us. He jumps onto the bed separating Yana and I. 

"Let's go out for brunch," Murph suggests.

"Brunch? What time is it?" Yana asks.

"11:47," I answer checking my phone.

"Jeez I slept in," she adds rubbing her eyes again.

"And you're still tired," I chime in.

"Go on get ready," Murph says leaving the room. I grab a set of clothes and leave the room. I come back in when Yana says she's done changing. We all leave and bring Uno with us.


Christijana's pov:

We order our food and wait at a table outside. Murph begins the conversation about our fake dating scenario.

"So are you guys gonna tell everyone you're 'dating'?" He puts quotation marks in the air.

"Do we need to?" Jack asks me.

"Well now that the boys at the club know, eventually the media will hear about it and everyone will find out."

"Ohh so what do we do?"

"I don't know," I reply unsure.

"Guys it's so simple, just make everyone think you're together and only tell the truth to the people who won't tell anyone!" Murph chimes in.

"I guess I can do that," Jack adds.

"Yeah sure," I answer.

"Ok it's settled! You guys are a couple," Murph winks.

"Why are you so excited?" I giggle.

Always been you - Jack GinnivanWhere stories live. Discover now