20 - Trip

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Jack's pov:

A few days have passed, and I've been attending training all week. I find myself crying every time I've come here this week, and Craig has insisted on me leaving, but I'm not going to. We're wrapping up another session, so I quickly pop by Craig's office, saying goodbye to the coaches, but he tells me to come inside.

"What's up?"

"That's for you," he says, handing me an envelope.

"Not another letter, I'll be crying again," I joke, making everyone laugh. I open it up; a key's inside. I look confused, waiting for Fly's explanation.

"To my beach house in Sorrento, you're gonna stay there for a weekend."


"Bring Yana with you. You both deserve some time away together."

"But trainin-,"

"Don't worry about it," he interrupts. "Pack a bag and head down there Friday."

"Wow, thank you so much," I hug him, patting his back.

"It's the least I could do." I smile big and walk out the door.


Gin ❤️🥇🦋🐻🌺🫶

pack ur bag

we're going on a trip


whattt exam's in 2 weeks

Gin ❤️🥇🦋🐻🌺🫶

yanaaaaa pls we deserve this


idk jack

fuck it

where we going?

Gin ❤️🥇🦋🐻🌺🫶

you'll see when we get there 🤫


im excited

talk soon xx

Gin ❤️🥇🦋🐻🌺🫶


be ready friday morning

You loved the message



Christijana's pov:

I wake up early, excited for our break. We pack the car with our bags, coffee, and a portable speaker to hit the road. As we drive, Jack and I chat and laugh, catching up on the past few days. We play our favourite music and sing along, feeling relieved and carefree. Jack suggests playing Two Truths and a Lie.

"The truth was, I was in a secret relationship with a footy player," I reveal.

"Whoa! How did I not know? Who was it?"

Always been you - Jack GinnivanWhere stories live. Discover now