15 - Painting

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Jack's pov:

Trent dropped Yana and me off at my place. We say our goodbyes and head inside. I lock the door behind me and join Yana in the living room.

Yana hops into the shower and slams the door. "Yana? Why are you so upset?" There's a moment of silence before I call her name again. "Yana, I'm coming in."

"Jack!" Yana yells.

"You're not even naked."

"I don't care get out!"

"Fine, but we're talking when you're done." I walk out and sit intently on the couch, waiting.

I hear the door open so I look up from my phone. Yana comes over and sits on the other couch.

"Go shower," she says.

"You know people think we're in love," Yana ignores my comment. "Look," I show her my phone.

"Lucky they saw me and not Emma," Yana sasses.

"Ok, I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"... I don't know," I answer honestly.

"So don't just apologise because I'm mad."

"Well, why are you mad then?"

"Do you remember when you told me not to post or flirt with any guys in public? Yeah, well, you're not even following your own rules."

"I wasn't even flirting with Emma! She came onto me!"

"So? You let her! You don't understand how lucky you are that I was there to help you. Everyone would have thought you were "cheating" on me."

"No, I do get it, thank you. I would've fucking gotten into so much trouble." I run my hands through my hair in relief.

"God, you can be so stupid sometimes," Yana sighs smiling.

"Hey! ..., you're not wrong." I laugh with her. "Ok, I'm heading to the shower now."

Christijana's pov:

Jack jumps next to me and looks at the screen in disbelief.


"Yeah! It's one of my favourite's!"

Jack sighs, "Fine, only because you're my favourite."

I smile and hit play for 10 things I hate about you. Jack grabs a large chocolate bar as I get a blanket. He comes back and sits right up against me, offering me a bit of the sweet. I bite it whilst still in his hand, and he smirks. He starts to bite it from the other end and I giggle loudly. We turn it into a competition to keep it in our mouths but remain in laughter. Drool drips onto the couch from Gin's mouth, as does mine, and that's our breaking point. We both pull away from the bar, chuckling, and quickly clean up the mess.

"You gonna eat that?" I ask jokingly. Jack shoves the whole thing into his mouth. "Oh dude, that was covered with my saliva!"

"I've kissed you before, there's no difference," he adds, resting his head on my shoulder.

"You're crazy."

It's an hour into the movie and Jack starts to lie down on my lap. He wraps his arm around my knees as I start to play with his hair.

Always been you - Jack GinnivanWhere stories live. Discover now