21 - Kiss

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Christijana's pov:

I wake up confused, hearing a squeaking noise from outside. I look out the huge window to see Jack outside, bouncing on the trampoline. I slip on my slides and head outside to join him. I'm bouncing, but he's facing the other way with his headphones on, so he hasn't noticed me yet. I tap his shoulders, and he screams, falling to the ground.

"Sorry," I laugh, getting him up. Glad things aren't awkward from last night. We keep bouncing on the trampoline for a while, but Jack gets distracted.

"Yana," he waves me over from the gate of the backyard. I follow him, and he opens the gate. We walk along this deck that leads us straight to the beach.

"Oh my god!" I say excitedly. Jack grabs my hand and runs back to the house. "What are you doing?"

"Quick, we'll make breakfast and go."


Jack's pov:

We're at the beach and have set up our tent. We go straight into the water and swim at the deep end for hours.

I'm hungry, so we swim back to the shore to have a snack. I notice a bucket disowned in the sand, so I pick it up.

"Gin, what are you doing?" Yana calls out from the tent. I show her the bucket, and she smiles. I sit in the sand and build multiple castles with Yana. We create a huge structure that I start stomping on. "Hey!" Yana gets covered in sand. She grabs a handful and throws it on my back while I run away.

"Get over here!" I yell while filling my bucket with water. Yana runs by the shore, but I soak her whole back. She turns around, mouth wide open, and tries to tackle me to the ground. I laugh as she hops onto my back, struggling to take me down. We fall into the shallow water, giggling at our childish behaviour.

Yana's tanning while reading her book, and I'm watching the afternoon footy on my phone. I look over to Yana and she hasn't moved in a while. I walk over and realise she's sleeping. I take her book so it doesn't get sandy. I also lay my hat over her face so the sun isn't too bright, and I head back to my chair to watch the game.

The game's finished, so I check up on Yana again; she's still asleep. I place my towel next to hers and lie down, feeling everything but relaxed. The beach usually helps with my stress, but I'm uneasy about the kiss. I mean, it's like it never happened. That's not what I expected to happen... or wanted either.

"Jack!" I open my eyes, realising I fell asleep. I get up, spotting Yana running along the pier. I see a few sea cucumbers, and I grab them, chasing after her. "No!" She squeals and jumps off the edge into the ocean. I drop them and splash into the water too.

"Yana, don't freak out," I swim closer to her.

"What? You're scaring me," she grips onto my shoulders.

"There's three stingrays surrounding us."

"I thought you were gonna say there's a shark," she sighs in relief and looks down. "They're fine."

Yana dives in and swims down to the stingrays. I slightly panic, but trust her, so I go down too. Her smile becomes huge when they swim very close.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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