2 - Friends

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Jack's pov:

I wake up and realise I feel asleep on Yana's couch. I get up and start making some french toast.

"I thought I smelt something good," Christijana comes out of her room yawning.

"Here, sit," I pull her chair out while I wait to flip the toast.

"How'd you sleep?" She asks.

"Yeah really well, I forgot how comfy your couch is," I chuckle making her smile.

I finish making breakfast and we out on her mini porch. 

"Why don't we go for a walk?" I suggest.

"Yeah that sounds fun, I'll go change," she heads inside.


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"Hey! What is that picture?" Jack grabs me and nuzzles my head with his fist

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"Hey! What is that picture?" Jack grabs me and nuzzles my head with his fist.

"Hey! My hairs all messed up now," I pull my hair tie out and he takes it from me.

"I wanna do it," he says while tying my hair up and surprisingly did well. 

"Ginnivan! Can I take a photo with you?" A little girl comes up to us.

"Of course," Jack smiles for the picture. Her mother thanks him and he politely says no worries.

"What's your name?" Jack kneels to the ground.


"Stella's such a nice name, who's you're favourite player Stella?"

"You Jack!" She giggles.

"Me?" He points to himself acting surprised. "Wow that's so cool, tell you what why don't I sign your badge there?" She nods rapidly excited.

"She wears your badge everywhere we go, I can never get it off her," her mother smiles.

"Thanks so much guys I really appreciate it," Jack hugs the girl and fist bumps her. 

We start walking again and I smile very noticeably.


"You're just so good with kids."

"I am aren't I?" He jokes and I playfully nudge him.

Always been you - Jack GinnivanWhere stories live. Discover now