priscilla & finish lines

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  while i got ready to go out for the night, i decided to call my best friend, alyssa. she's been with me since the beginning of my career, through the ups and down and all the times i was denied and all the times i was accepted, she's been there. she's been wanting to come visit but i've been waiting for the right time to tell her she can fly out. for now, phone calls and facetime calls are the best we can do.

"heyyy! long time no see!" she says as she answers the phone. "hi! i know, i'm sorry that's it's been a while. how have you been?" i ask. "i've been okay, bored kinda. its been quiet without you here to be honest. how've you been?" she says. "busy!" is all i can say and we laugh.

"i can see that from your instagram alone. what are you getting ready for?" she says as we continue to laugh. "i'm going out for a bit." i admit. "oooo, with anyone in particular?" alyssa says as she gets closer to her phone. "is it that nicholas guy i see you posting and flirting with?" she continues. "what!?" i kind of yell. "we don't flirt!"

"uh yes you do! his fans see it too i think." she says and pulls her phone closer as if she's going to look something up.

  "heart eyes, two of my favorite people; which hurts by the way, and you guys went to the white house together!" she says. "okay, wait. matthew sent taylor, nick, and i to the white house over a weekend for fun because that's where a portion of the movie takes place. and two, i said two of... not just my favorite people. you are my favorite person." i say. "well i thank you, but still. that's flirting. and now you're going out with him."

  "can we just talk about something else? i have something i wanted to tell you." i start off. "spill." alyssa says. "so, have you heard any news about the new movie they are making about priscilla presley?" i ask. "yeah, they casted jacob elordi as elvis which is BAD since i think austin can't be replaced." she says. may i say, alyssa is probably one of the biggest austin butler fans out there.

  "okay well... they needed a makeup artist and we all know me and my obsession with elvis which turned into me making my style into priscillas makeup looks." i say. "don't even start your shit, stasia." alyssa says with a smile. "well i submitted an application. we will see what happens. i'd need to be in toronto like a week after we wrap here." i say.

  "oh my god! that's so exciting! i'm so happy for you." alyssa says. "i haven't gotten anything yet but, good vibes." i say and cross my fingers. "though i hate that you're obsessed with elvis, i love that he's making your dreams come true." she says and laughs. "i know, i know; separate the artist from the songs. plus i hope this movie shines more light on it." i admit. "me too! and you might be apart of it! does nicholas know?" she asks. "nope, only you." i say.

  "well as much as i appreciate it, you should tell him so he knows he's getting involved with a working woman." she says with a shrug. "how about we wait and see if i even get the position, alyssa." i say and we laugh.

we sit on the phone until i am ready and even a bit after. "well, ten minutes until he's gonna be here... i have to mentally prepare myself." i say and she does a shrieking noise. "breathe, he looks like a nice guy. i want to meet him soon!"

  "i spend hours with him, i'm sure i'll find a way to get you on the phone with him soon enough." i say and she nods. "well, i hope you have fun, don't let him be mean to you or pressure you into doing anything." alyssa says. "oh he won't. he's definitely not like that." i say back. "okay, i want to hear everything about it tomorrow!" she says and i nod. "okay! i'll talk to you then!" i say and we say our goodbyes.

  i go and drink some water, use the restroom, and touch up my makeup before i got a text saying that he was outside and that he needed to be buzzed in. rather than going through the trouble, i was just going to meet him down there.

  as soon as i got off of the elevator, i seen nick standing off to the side on his phone. "i thought you were going to buzz me in!" he whisper yells with a smile. "eh, too much trouble. "well that took away my chance of doing that romantic, guy knocks on door, girl opens door and gets handed flowers, kinda thing." he says and he hands me a bouquet of flowers. "i remember you liked flowers..." he says. "well aren't you just the sweetest." i say to hide the blush rising to my cheeks.

  we later walk out of the building and we stopped at his car. "the first place i was going to take you is like a block away, would you like to walk or take a ride." nick offered. "well, what would you like to do? what's easier?" i ask. "well, it is only a block and it would spare me just a bit more time with you so, if it's okay then we should take the walk." he says. i nod in agreement. "here, we can put these in here for now." he says and unlocks his car and puts my flowers on what is now the drivers seat for us americans.

  "so, there was something i was wanting to mention while we were out tonight." i tell him. "and what would that be?" he asks as he looks over. "well, a24 is making a movie on priscilla presley and...
i wasn't going to tell you this unless it progressed into something more for me. but they are looking for a makeup artist and as i've told you, i practically based my artistic side of makeup off of priscilla so i might have applied for the position?" i say as we walk along the streets of london, sounds starting to become louder.

  "oh... oh! that's great! i totally hope you get the part! what am i saying, you've already got it." nick says as he stops walking and looks at me. "fingers crossed but, i don't know. if i get it, i'd have to go all the way over to toronto!" i replied. "oh wow... well, not to steal your moment, i have something a bit similar to say." he says. "okay..." i say and wait for him to continue. "as soon as we wrap this film, i fly out to louisiana for another movie that i got casted into." he says. my face goes hot.

"oh my gosh! that's great, nick!" i say. he smiles but you could tell there was something else he was waiting to say. "you're thinking the same thing i'm thinking, huh?" nick asks. "possibly." i say.

"once we finish here and you head to toronto and i head to louisiana, it's going to be kind of hard to continue this..." he says and i nod. "but hey, we haven't even really started the race. we can't even see the finish line. wherever that line may be, we will cross it when the time comes. for now, let's go have some fun and we will deal with the next form of business when it comes." i say as i grab his hand and he smiles.

  "i can deal with that." nick says and keeps ahold of my hand as we walk and he leads me to wherever we were going.

his safety • n. galitzine Where stories live. Discover now