i'm here for the makeup artist

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man, has the time been flying. it feels like i landed in toronto yesterday and here we are, a month into filming already. we only have roughly a month left and am i allowed to say that i don't want it to end just yet?

i don't know if i'll feel this way towards every movie i work on, or if it's just the atmosphere of the last two, but i just love doing what i do. the only downside is; the separation from your loved ones.

nick and i still call and facetime when we can. we talk about visiting but it's hard when we are both so booked and busy. he ended up getting the role for hayes campbell in the idea of you which adds another one to his roster. i haven't heard of any other ones after that one though.

but with that news, comes the news that he just wrapped on bottoms which means that once all of the 'end of the movie' business is taken care of, he said he will come visit before heading to los angeles. i eagerly waited until all the contracts were written out and things were finished. little did i know.

i laughed along with cailee as i did her hair; i then got a call from jacob. "hey, i'm up at the graceland gates and one of the fans here is actually a fan of you and they really want to talk to you... when are you free?" he says in his thick australian accent. "umm, have you felt out the situation? and i have to finish cailee's hair..." i say as i look at her; she shrugs. i place three bobby-pins in between my lips, tease a strand of her hair and use one of the pins to pin it up. "yeah, everything's good. they are willing to wait, too." he says. i hear conversation in the background and i look at cailee. "want to take a break in a minute?" i ask her. she nods so i tell jacob and the fan to hold tight.

  i finish up her hair and the only thing left to do is her makeup and then they can get to filming. we were on opposite sides of the graceland gates, so it was going to be a second. i guess a walk is good every once in a while so we can stretch.

  "ever had a fan make you stop what you're doing?" i ask cailee. "aside from like signing things or talking, no actually." she says with her eyebrows raised. she had her phone and camera in her hand, which was odd. it was always either one or the other or maybe even neither; something has to be happening. i began to grow anxious as the gates were now in our line of sight. walking across the yard, we made it.

  "hiii, sorry for the delay. had to finish her hair and the walk was a bit long." i say, hoping the fan would hear me. i stand next to jacob, waiting for the fan to make their appearance. but to my surprise, there was nobody there, or so i thought. there were no shots due to be filmed right here today either...

  "man, what's going on?" i ask him as my shoulders sink with a frown. "the fan was just right here! i swear!" he says. i look around; nobody. i turn back around and frown at him and now cailee was next to him, joining my gaze. "this was just a joke to get me to stop what i was doing, huh? you know, just because i already got your hair and makeup done doesn't mean i'm free. sofia is waiting for cailee and her makeup isn't even done. this isn't f-" i say but soon get cut off. "look! there he is! i knew he'd come back." jacob yells, startling me, which makes me turn around.

  my eyes immediately travel to a jogging figure that was coming in our direction. i turn to look at cailee who was giggling and jacob who stood there smiling. i look back at the figure, who became more recognizable the closer he got. "stop it. right now." i say.

  i go to open the gate and meet him half way. in his hands, were a bouquet of flowers and a small poster that read 'i'm here for the makeup artist!' to act as if he was a fan. "nick, are you kidding?" i say as we embrace each other in a hug. "i'm here, aren't i? can't be a joke." he says with a laugh. "i thought it would be a few more weeks!" i say as i wipe a tear. "they helped me plan it." he says. "god, i missed you."

  we walked back to the others, that's when i noticed sofia walking this way. "is everything okay?" she yells. "yes!" i yell back. "i walkied you but got nothing back and then i see all of this out this way. just making sure." she says as she got closer. "oh my- i just realized i forgot it in the trailer. i got a call from jacob saying there was a fan wanting to meet me out here. anyways, they helped him plan to surprise me." i explain. "how sweet! you're nicholas, right?" sofia asks. "yes i am, it's very nice to meet you, sofia." he says and shakes her hand.

  "well, take another minute and then get back to work. we need the sun." she says with a smile and walks away. i turn to look at nick again, hand above my eyes shielding them from the sun. "thank you for coming." i say. "of course, i'm all yours." nick says and smiles.
we made our ways back to the trailers and i finished cailee's makeup while catching up with nick.

"so, now that you've wrapped your last movie, any idea where you're headed next?" cailee asks him. "i'm headed to georgia for another movie in january. the exact date isn't settled yet." he replies. "oh yeah, i think stasia mentioned that. the one with the boyband, right?" she says. "yep, that's the one." he replies.


"well, that's a wrap on today guys! thank you for your hard work!" sofia says and places the slate and her clipboard under her arm. people around us high-five and start to head back to their trailers. i met nick halfway and made our way to my own. i grab all of my stuff, handing nick a few things, and we head to my car.

  "i hope you know that i'm hanging that poster board up in my apartment back home." i say and he laughs. "i spent extra time on it to make it look nice because i figured you would." he says.

on our way back, we talk about if we want to make plans for the night. long story short, we had something delivered and spent the night in. we have so much more time after today, why not relax?


hi everyone! brooklyn here!
sorry for the lack of updates,
i just graduated, got my nails
done which makes it a little bit
difficult to type for me personally,
and had some unfortunate events
happen within my family but i'm
back! everything is fine! i hope
everyone is enjoying themselves!
love youuu <3

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