Chapter 8

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"Courage is the most important of all the virtues;  because without courage,  you can't practice any other virtue consistently."

-Maya Angelou

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"If you keep staring at it any longer, then I have to conclude that you have fallen in love with that ring", Elena scowled pointing at my ring.

I wiped my hands over my face, having forgotten she was even in the room. I exhaled heavily leaning against the couch. My mind has been in a whirlwind from yesterday night to say the least.

"No, why will you even say that?", I asked confusion clear in my tone.

"Because you are staring.....wait no, you  were admiring that ring from past one hour", she stated the obvious.

"Stop being delusional. I wasn't admiring it, I was just thinking of a way to get rid of this thing", I said staring at the beautiful vintage ring.

"Oh common girl. Don't give me that shit now. Just look at your face once, while staring at that ring", she rolled her eyes.

"Whatever", I huffed,  knowing clearly that she was right. The ring was too bewitching to ignore.

I recalled him saying, it was their family's heirloom & has been passed over from generations.

Why did he even hand me over such a precious thing?

Instead of torturing myself with my spiraling thoughts, I decided to take a break & wandered downstairs into the kitchen to find something to eat.

The next few hours were stressful blur, as I tried to complete some important work, but only one name was plaguing my mind.

Nicholas Remington.

What kind of a man will put a ring on the women he barely knew? I know he is a shrewd businessman, who thinks thousands time before he acts; the one who seeks profits in everything he does.

But how did he agree to hand me over the land that costs more than a million dollars just to marry him?

I'm sure he is always surrounded by several super-models & wealthy- heiress. He can choose any of them, even without spending a dime, just by his gorgeous looks.

Then why is he hell-bent on marrying me?

My train of thoughts came to  staggering end, as I heard the most irritating voice in the universe.

My train of thoughts came to  staggering end, as I heard the most irritating voice in the universe

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