Chapter 14

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"Women are complicated. Women are multifaceted. Not because women are crazy. But because people are crazy, and women happen to be people."

                               —Tavi Gevinson

                               —Tavi Gevinson

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"Everything went as per our plan today".

I come to a sudden stop right behind him.

What plan is he talking about?

It might be something related to his business, I try to ignore his words. But if I'm not wrong he particularly mentioned 'today' while speaking to whoever is on the other side of the line.
And today he was entirely busy with all this marriage commotion;  So it can't be considered as his business plan.

I stand there trying to listen his next words, but they are all one word clipped responses. He is just listening and nodding whenever it's necessary without letting a proper sentence out of his mouth.

His back stiffens suddenly as if sensing a presence behind him. He turns swiftly still holding onto his phone near his ear. His stormy eyes meet mine and I'm taken aback by the fire in them. He looks at me like a volcano that's on the verge of erupting.

"I will call you back", he ends the call with just five words, still glaring at me like I'm some terrorist who was overhearing the nation's secrets.

"How long were you listening?", he asks
his lips stretched in a thin line and jaws ticking in uneasiness.

"Who were you talking with?", I cross my hands below my chest as I come up with a question of my own instead of answering  him.

"That was not an answer to my question", his jaw clenches growing irritated by each passing second.

"It's not an answer to my question, either", I reply non-chalantly jutting my chin-up in a challenge.

I'm not going to bend to your will dear husband.

He fixes me with one of his famous dominant glare urging me to give-in, but I match his with my fiery one not stepping back.

He closes his eyes tightly while pinching his nose trying to control his anger. He exhales heavily before his eyes connects with mine.

"Work", he exhales.

"Uh-huh?", I raise my brow clearly not believing his words.

"Now tell me how much did you listen?", his shoulders tense once again as he tilts his head a little, waiting for my answer.

"Nothing", I reply turning my back to return into the room to get out of these heavy clothes and jewelleries.

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