Chapter 19

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"The only thing that interferes with my
Learning is my Education"

-Albert Einstein.

A week has been passed since I moved into Nick's apartment

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A week has been passed since I moved into Nick's apartment. Right from Charlie's constant taunts at me to Nick using his usual charms with his devastating looks. Nothing has changed since then.

"Charlie are you married?" I ask with a smile to the woman who is sitting at the other side of the table and having her dinner along with me.

Yes. Charlie eats along with us since she is treated as a part of Nick's family.

"What type of question is that? Ofcourse I'm married", she scowls.

"Oh! Then, do you have a daughter?"


My ears perk up to that. Oh my goodness. I can't believe I'm right in this case.

This lady-lion!. I knew she didn't approve me as Nick's wife. Now I'm convinced of the reason.

She want Nick as her son-in-law.

God. I can't believe I finally found out the reason.

"My daughter is married".

My eyes widen as I snap my head towards her. She is glaring at me ready to tear my flesh apart at any moment.

Just like my Nina.

God! Don't you like my happiness? Why did you send my Nina's xerox here?

"Oh! She is married?", I don't know why but I'm relieved hearing that her daughter is out of race.

But my relief is short lived as a thought hits me.

"Ok, so you have any girl in your family or friends circle"

"Are suited for Nick?", she roars like an angry lion that she is halting my breath.

Was I that obvious?

I shift in my seat uncomfortably ready to run away from here. Anything to prevent my embarrassment.

"No...I.. I didn't mean that", I laugh awkwardly not meeting her eyes.

"Don't you dare lie to my face woman! You think I don't know where your thoughts are racing?"

I gulp trying to come up with a proper excuse. But for the first time I don't have any words to justify my actions.

It's the first I'm losing an argument.

She is more dangerous than my Nina.

As if sensing my discomfort Charlie clears her throat.

"Nick is like my son. Infact he is more than a son to me. A mother shouldn't say this, but I love him more than my own daughter", she speaks a small smile playing on her lips.

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