chapter 24

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"Jealousy in romance is like salt in food. A little can enhance the savor, but too much can spoil the pleasure and, under certain circumstances, can be life-threatening".

                                     —Maya Angelou.
    •• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••

"I don't yearn to be yours"

"I don't wish to rest on your shoulders ".

"Leave me if you wish, but I don't suffer"

"If only I could lie this easily!".

"Can you please stop this. My eardrums are bleeding", my face scrunches up with irritation as I glare at my husband who is humming  a song while driving back home, his gaze fixed on the road.

"Beauty!", he turns his voice higher matching the high pitch in the song.

"Just because of your Beauty!"

"My hot summers have turned into beautiful monsoon".

"Nick", I warn. "Stop irritating me", I turn away from his charming face, staring out of the window while a small smile tugs up my lips.

God. His voice.

It's unbelievably sexy.

If he don't stop now. Then I might do something like joining in and humming  to his tune.

"You are smiling", his lips tilt up in a smirk.

"No", I stare up at him with blank stoic face. "No. I was not".

"Yes. You were", he replies cooly turning the wheels away from the main road into the dark streets with no lights. 
As we pass through the trees grow tall and heavy on both sides.

"Now, what's happening here? Why are driving into this abandoned land?", I ask in confusion.

He tilts his head his eyes twitching in amusement, "I'm planning to murder you, wife".

I roll my eyes, "Be careful my soul might haunt you while returning back.
Better you call someone for your safety".

"Are you worried about my safety, sweetheart?", he raises his eyebrow.

"No. I'm worried about all those people who loves you"

"So you are not among those who loves me?", he asks in disbelief.

"No", I dead pan which only amuses him. Movement of tiny yellow radiations amidst the dark trees catches my attention as the car comes to halt.

I gasp in disbelief turning towards Nick
"Are those fireflies?".

"Seems so", he teases his lips twitching in amusement. "Can have better view from outside", he doesn't wait as he snaps open his seat belt and exit leaving me behind.

"You are annoying", I mutter as I try to catch up with his long steps.

"Thank you".

"That was sarcasm".

"I know", he stops walking and turns towards me  giving me his rarest smile with that little dimple in his right cheek  and starts walking again as if he didn't make way for all those fireflies to enter into my dark heart and light up like that on the day of a festival.

"Now back to the topic, where are we going?", I ask diverting my current  state of mind.

"Stop asking too many questions", he mumbles non-chalantly and takes my hand and interlaces his fingers with mine as he leads me onto the wooden bridge below which a small stream of water is roaring, hitting onto the small rocks on their way. The bridge is only ten foots lengthy and we cross it in a moment and arrive onto the vast stretch of land covered with thick strands of grass with dew drops of mist covering ontop of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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