Chapter 10

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"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.  Hate cannot drive out hate;  only love can do that".


"Where are you right now", a very grumpy voice of my grandmother greeted me as soon as I picked up my phone.

"Hello to you too my queen. Thanks for letting me know that you are very much alive and breathing ", I said sarcastically wishing her.

Not even asking me about my health or well-being.  Great , just great !!!!!

"I'm not in the mood for your jokes young lady. All the relatives are home and asking about the bride. What should I answer them?", she bellowed in her stern tone.

"Tell them I'm busy in my clinic", I said in a matter-of-factly tone.

She exhaled heavily trying to calm down her irritation, "Samaira, marriage is not a child's play. Don't behave so carelessly. It's already 10 in the night and you are still in your office. There is a limit to everything ", she said  disappointedly.

"It's only a day left for your marriage and the groom's family has also arrived for India", she continued further.

"Why are you telling me all this?", I rolled my eyes.

"Because you are the one who is going to marry. Now, pack up and come back home. Or else I will send people to drag you back home", she warned like a vicious lady-villain of Indian soap operas.

Well, she definitely gives those naagin vibes, but an old ugly naagin. Only if they existed. I mentally laughed at my imagination.

The line clicked off before I had a chance for a comeback.

"Damn it", I threw my phone to the side. 

Slamming the lid of laptop I pushed it aside &  stood up from my seat moving towards the tall glass windows.

I was greeted by the sight of tall buildings and the noise of bustling traffic of the city, which didn't help my growing headache.

I sighed turning towards my office. Every light in the room was off except for the candles I lit around my desk.

In the darkness I hugged myself. I looked around my cabin. There wasn't a speck of dust on anything, no clutter and no excess. Everything in order. My life was in order before a storm named Nicholas Remington barged into it.

It was hard to get him out of my mind. His cool arrogance, his lack of care for my feelings, the aura that surrounded him, the conviction he held in his tone while referring to me as his wife.

I hated him. I hated him for placing me in this situation where I had to sacrifice my life in order to secure my hard earned hospital.

And on top of that the pressure of my Nina. She wants me to marry and be a good and faithful wife.

I shook off the cold chill that crept through me by the word wife. Silent loneliness surrounded me in this empty room. There was no one to share my feelings or insecurities. My chest burned with the urge to cry.

No. I would not. Not a tear.

I looked away. There was nothing to cry over. This was what I wanted. I chose to  marry him for my gain. There is nothing wrong in it , I thought.

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