Chapter 18

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I'm petrified rooted to my place, eyes widened and my body shivering seeing a huge demon like animal looking like a lion standing at the top stairs. But it's not a lion as the demon is barking at me.

Lion can't bark right?

It is pale-golden in colour and has thick hairs covering its entire body. I'm standing glued to my place too terrified to breath. My mind is freezed to think.

It's opening and closing it's mouth ferociously showing its monstrous canine teeth.

Wait. Why is it opening it's mouth too wide? As if it's barking.

Holy hell. It's really barking at me. It's ready to pounce and tear my flesh if I don't run in a second.

Ahhhh! I scream before I start to descend the stairs not caring if the lady-lion is standing there waiting for me with a rolling pin in her hand.

Atleast the rolling pin is better than this lion.

God what type of scary house is this? I'm not staying here even for a second. That is if this lion and lady-lion won't kill me before I escape.

"You theif don't run. I have informed the security. They will catch you".

"You better stay right here". The old lady is screaming profanities behind me running to catch me. But I'm quicker than her fat body.

I'm right infront of the main door when I crash into a muscular chest. I'm panting with panic and I try to push away the person who caught me but the strong arms grip my waist without allowing me to run.

"Samaira, what's wrong with you", I hear an all familiar voice of my husband. Before I speak there are two loud voices of the barking lion and the lady-lion and many footsteps of the guards running towards the door.

Oh my goodness! She really called the security.

"Nick she is theif. Catch her", the lady lioness screams running with a rolling pin in her right hand like a warrior.

There is a split second of silence before Nick analyzes what's really happening here and sighs in relief.

"Charlie, she is not a theif", Nick sighs rubbing his forehead.

"No. She is a theif. I saw her entering into my kitchen and she was stealing my food", she stomps like a little kid. My blood boils hearing her calling me theif again and again. Enough is enough I'm not listening this anymore.

"You old-woman can you stop your theif-theif song for a second and listen to me patiently", I scoff.

Her face turns blood-red in a second and she lunges at me with her weapon high in the air. "Did you call me old-woman? Old-woman huh?, I will show you this old-woman's strength".

My eyes widen realizing she is not kidding and she will go through hee plans if I don't move and I hang on to the only help I can get at this moment.

"Nick, save me", I scream hiding behind him for my dear life.

"Charlie....Charlie listen to me she is not a theif", Nick holds onto her hands trying to stop  but her attention is focused on me as she is wiggling in his hold glaring at me.

"Am I old-woman huh, old-woman?", she glares at me.

"Yes old-woman. I can't call you aunt now. You are past that age, right?", I retort still clutching Nick's shirt and smirking at her.

"I will kill you and feed you to Guinness,  she bounces on me but Nick is holding her hands tightly".

Thanks husband for today.

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