Chapter 9

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Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.

—Lao Tzu

"I still can't believe that you are dragging me with you for a family dinner!", Elena exclaimed getting into the car that was sent by Remington's

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"I still can't believe that you are dragging me with you for a family dinner!", Elena exclaimed getting into the car that was sent by Remington's.

"You are family Lena", I sighed. "Don't make me repeat it again".

"I know my lady. But it's an intimate family gathering. On top of that I don't know if they are kind enough to let a stranger in", she confessed.

"Don't worry. They are kind & welcoming people. I'm sure they won't throw you out", I joked.

"How persuasive", she said sarcastically with a teasing grin.

"Siding your in-laws before marriage itself?"

"Definitely no", I said with a stern face.

"You know about my plans of staying married to him for 3 months.  So, there will be no personal connections involved". I said staring out of the window.

That was the only way I was left with to come out of this trouble. Marry him for three months & divorce as soon as he transfers the property rights over my name.

"Are you sure Nicholas will be signing over the land to you?", Lena asked doubtfully.

"Yes, he will. He said he will transfer the property after completion of three months", I said at the same time the car came to halt near a huge mansion.

The house-help escorted us to the dining room where everyone were seated for dinner. I was surprised to find dad, Nina & Pops as well.

"Here they are", the kind lady whom I remembered as Elora, Nicholas's mom came towards us to greet.

"Wow, You look beautiful in this dress, darling", she said taking a look of my dress.

Ofcourse that's your son's selection.

"Thank you, m...mam", I said  awkwardly as I couldn't bring myself to call her mom, eventhough she advised me to call her that.

If she noticed my slight discomfort while addressing her, she didn't point it out, which made me to sigh in relief.

My senses became alert as slight nervousness took over my features seeing many new faces staring at me.

"So, This is my husband Andrew", she said looking at the handsome man lovingly, "I hope you remember him", she said making me remember that dreary day when I refused their proposal rather little harshly.

"Of course, she remembers me. I'm not that easy to forget. Right darling?", he said with a slight smirk making every one to laugh at his remark.

Guess where Nick got his cockiness? It runs in their bloodstream.

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