Chapter 16

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"Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood."

- Helen Keller

My head was in complete turbulence when I entered the mansion after spending whole day at Elena's place

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My head was in complete turbulence when I entered the mansion after spending whole day at Elena's place. I stop abruptly in my steps sensing the presence of Liam and some young woman seated in the living hall along with Nick's mom.

Their chatting comes to an end as their gazes fall on me. My mother-in-law offers a warm welcoming smile.

"Sam, this is Lia, Liam's elder sister and she is like my daughter", Nick's mom nods towards the elegantly dressed slender l woman.

"Hello, I'm Samaira", I smile at Lia extending my hands.

She smiles brightly before shoving my hands away and engulfs me in a friendly hug.

"We are family now and this is how we meet our family", she grins as she pulls away. She is an easy going and friendly woman who is two years elder than Liam. She also tells me that she was unable to attend our wedding as her husband had some work commitments.

"Where is my idiot cousin?", she raises her brows authoritatively at Liam, who has his eyes fixed on his phone.

"Where do you think he is? Ofcourse he will be at his office", Liam rolls his eyes in a matter-of-factly tone.

"It's almost night......", her words stop in the middle as we hear a loud crying tone of a baby. I follow my gaze towards the noise to see a good looking man with stunning features walking towards Lia with a defeated face.

But that's not what catches my attention. The man is trying to console the crying baby in his arms but badly failing at it.

"Your son needs his mom. He woke up just now and crying non-stop", the man who I think Lia's husband carefully handover the child to her.

She cradles her son to her chest and gently cooes some soft words into his ears making the child to stop crying instantly which puts on a bright smile on her face.

"See, he stopped crying. You just don't know how to handle my baby", she teases her husband.

"Little-traitor", the stunning man mutter under his breath giving a stink eye to the baby sounding genuinely offended.

"Do you want to hold him?", Lia motions towards the little bundle in her arms who is now giggling at his uncle.

I snap my head towards her in sudden shock. Oh god! Do I want to hold a baby in my arms after what happened today?

The right thing to do now is just excuse from this place and bolt straight to my room. But I unconsciously nod my head at her.

"May I?"

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