Chapter 13

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"I'm tough. I'm ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. If that makes me a bitch, okay."


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"Owww! It's too cold", I shivered trying to control the clattering of my teeth as the women poured chilling water mixed with turmeric and aromatic-oils over my head.

"The water is not even that cold. Now stop being annoying and let them carry out the ritual", Nina frowned from the place where she was standing.

I sealed my lips shut not trusting myself from giving her a befitting retort infront of my relatives.

No, Sam just bear with it for some time.

But with each passing second, the urge to just push all these women aside and go sleep in the comfortness of my bed increased as they poured cold water in the name of ritual. For godsake they made me to wake up at three in the morning and dragged here to perform this ritual of holy-bath for the bride.

"Not you too Ele...Achoo...", my words got muffled as I sneezed loudly.

She just threw a sheepish smile at me before pouring down a mug full of cold water on my head without prior warning.

"Damn you girl !", I breathed harshly patting back the wet hair that covered my face by the sudden pouring.

"Aww! Our bride is too adorable", she cooed with fake admiration as she saw me glaring at her.

"You are one crazy girl!, you know that?", I clenched my teeth.

"That I'm", she threw a mocking smile.

"Now enough you two, take our bride inside, it's already late for next rituals", Nina ordered in stern face covering my wet clothes with a towel.

Finally this torture is done!.

No, no, the real torture is just beginning
My mind retorted.

And truly next few minutes were really a torture, as the beauticians and makeup artists did their work on my face like I was some fucking bride.

You are a bride!!!

Yes, but a fake one. A fake bride with her selfish motives.

My heart started hammering in fear as the thoughts of someone finding about my pregnancy crept up my mind. Guilt threatened to take place in my head, even after assuring myself that I was doing it right as per the situation demanded.

I told him about my pregnancy it was his fault he didn't believe me and resorted to threaten in the name of court.

You could have tried harder. My mind spoke adding onto my growing guilt.

But me being pregnant or not didn't actually mattered, right? Because anyways I was going to stay married to him for just 3 months, till the day he transfers the land to my name. And inreturn i will pay the amount to him.

Yes. That's it there is no need to feel guilty. I had only two options,

Sink or swim.

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