Chapter 22

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"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."

~ George Bernard Shaw

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The anger bubbling through him made me take a step back from him, eventhough my arms were clasped in his. There was no way I was going to continue this useless feud early in the morning.

I sighed in defeat, going slack in his hold. "I don't have strength to fight with you, Nick".

"Did I say I want to fight?", he asked me in irritation.

"I don't know. But I'm tired and sleepy".

He stares at my face for a moment before he let loose of his hold and I heave a sigh of relief thanking the heavens for it.

I fall face first on my stomach on top of the couch and groan covering my eyes due to the direct sunrays hitting my face. I set my alarm for an hour. I just want to rest for a few minutes before I continue with my scheduled meetings.

I hear a sound of click and suddenly the rays stop hitting my face. I squint open my eyes and stare at Nick standing with a controller in his hands and blinds have been shut making the room almost dark.

"That was not necessary", I say in a bored tone.

"You were awake the entire night?", he questions in an accusing tone. It's at the tip of my tongue to yell at him that, 'it's none of your fucking business you motherfucking American asshole". But I reply with simple "Yes", and close my eyes.

In my sleepy state I sense something warm engulfing my whole body and I lean towards the hard something letting my head fall on it unconsciously, for sometime I'm floating in the air and next I'm being placed against something soft and fluffy followed by warm covering. I hum in satisfaction clutching the soft sheets as I slip into darkness but not before hearing a distant, 'sleep sweetheart'.


I cannot manage to open my eyes because the soothing circles that are being drawn on my cheek are far too pleasurable. I unknowingly lean into the warmth and hear a deep chuckle on top of me.

"Wake up sweetheart, we are going to be late at this rate", I hear an amused tone which i conclude as Nick's.

"No. Go away", I snap still in my hazy state.

"Spitting fire, even while sleeping", he mutters very near to my ear and the very next second something warm and hot lands just below my ear.

"Ummm....", I groan, as my hands instantly move up to cover the tickling spot. I hear the same amused chuckle before the same hot and warm thing lands on the back of my hand.

I shiver as the sensations now shift from my ears to cheeks, then down the jaws leaving a wet trail of marks burning hot on my skin. I can hear a deep growl sending sensuous current down my spine. My eyes snap open already knowing what is happening.

I catch hold of the culprits head before his lips can slide further down my neck. Nick groans in defeat and burries his head in my neck. We stay unmoved for a second my hands clasping his head in a death grip, our breaths reverberates as harsh pants in the entire dark room.

I stare towards the ceiling as the reality of the situation sink in. I'm now lying on the bed with Nick's half body leaning on me and his head tucked in my neck. His heart echoing-- that is matching mine.

I'm no fool to realize that he carries me to the bed every night, after I stubbornly decided against sleeping on the bed. But this?... this act of him... this behavior...these strange sensations and emotions are rattling my mind.

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