Chapter 12

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"A woman is like a tea bag. You never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water."

                          —Eleanor Roosevelt


"You are pregnant", he stated non-chalantly. It was not a question but a statement.

My breath, my words, my soul caught in my chest hearing his words, my hands shook in panic as the hold on my phone loosened.

He knows. He fucking knows.

Did he.....did he by any chance inform my family? my dad?

Oh god, does everyone knows about this already?

How did he find out in the first place?, I tightened my grip on the phone mustering all my courage to speak up the next words.

" did you find out", my voice came out shaky, my heart beating so loud against my ribcage.

He stilled on the other side. One minute passed, two, then three,  no response  but then I heard it, the devilish laugh that made the hair on my nape stand still.

why is he laughing?, it didn't help me to loosen up my tensed nerves at this moment.

"So this is it", he said mockingly.

"I expected you to pull this stunt sooner or later Sam; but not at this moment, when we will be tied in the holy bond in few minutes".

Stunt?  So, he doesn't know.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry at that realization.

"Nicholas, just liste.....", he cut me off with a loud sigh.

"Sam, I don't want to play this game now. I damn well know that you want to escape from this marriage. I'm not least bit surprised by your stunt, but mark my words", his tone held an edge of dominance in it.

"I'm going to destroy everything you have worked hard for with a flick of my fingers if you try to trick me again", he didn't raise his voice but ice frosted his tone, which held a promise that he is going to do as he said.

The line went dead before I could wrap my head around his words.

I closed my eyes tightly, feeling like whole room was spinning around me.

Damn you Nick. Damn you to hell for not believing me.

"What happened?", I snapped my eyes open hearing Elena's concerned voice.

"He is thinking I'm fooling him to get out of this marriage", I sighed harshly pacing back and forth in anger.

Before she could open her mouth we heard loud banging of the door followed by my brother's voice.

"Damn, they are here. It's time now" she muttered in panic her eyes enlarged.

Oh god, how am I going to face my brother now.

I'm sure I can't tell truth to him. Atleast not now.

I was too shocked to react if not for Elena shooking me out of my thoughts.

"What to do now Lena? I can't let him or my family find out about my state?", my voice shook as the banging increased on the other side.

"Girl, now calm your nerves down", she shook my shoulders. "We can manage this, just relax".

"Seriously?, how can you ask me to relax in this situation Elena?", my voice raised due to anxiety.

"Do you trust me?", she suddenly asked making me confused.

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