Day 1

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Dean pulled up into a parking space outside a huge rustic stone building in his black 1967 Chevy Impala car which was filled with boxes of clothes and stuff.

Deans point of view
I pulled my key from the ignition and got out of baby huffed I had no one to help me with all my stuff, this may take a while. I debated on wether I should go get my dorm room key and number before a took my boxes in I was glad there was a space close to the building that I took.

I decided on taking one of my boxes of clothes in first when I go to find my room, I opened the back of baby and grabbed the first box that said clothes and I went to the entrance of the building where I saw a nice lady (with dark brown hair and green eyes she was wearing a green dress that matched her eyes) at a table giving keys out I strolled up to her and said "hello umm can I get my dorm room and key please" the lady looked up with a smile and asked "your a freshman aren't you? What's your name?" I blushed a little from the nervous embarrassment I answered "yes and my name is Dean Winchester" she looked back down at here sheets and looked for the W's on her list that was in alphabetical order she responded after a minute "ahh yes Dean Winchester, you are in room...56B, so in that building over there third floor" she pointed to the left of us I said "thank you" she smiled and went to the next person who looking for there room I heard her say "Janet curtain, you are in room 22A" as I strolled carrying my box to the building the nice lady pointed at I passed a lot of people and there parents hurrying around trying to find there dorms and bring all the boxes into there dorms it was very hectic and busy I tried very hard not to bump in to people on my way to 56B. I finally made it through the sea of people up the stairs and to my dorm room which was locked so I put my box on the ground and unlocked the door I walked in and stood in amazement it had a small kitchen though the kitchen was just a sink and a few counters which had cupboard doors on them it was very nice common room area which had two sofa chairs and a coffee table it felt cozy as I looked up I saw three doors one which said bathroom on it the others said room 1 and room 2 on them I decided to take room 1 I opened the door too see a queen sized bed with no sheets on it shoved in the corner with a bed side table and a small wardrobe next to me I saw a basic desk I place my box on the desk deciding that I'll unpack it when I have all the boxes in side.

I had made 3 journeys back to baby to get all my boxes I returned to my dorm and looked at all five boxes in my room which was almost everything I owned each box labelled differently one said clothes another said music one said lamp and quilts and the fourth box said shoes and the last one which was a gift from Sam who was going to start collage in a 3 years, I had skipped a year two work with my dad John at the garage but I then decided to start college, Sam had thought that I should have a mini fridge so he got me to buy on and said the idea was the gift which I laughed at I was going to miss Sam I promised him that I would call every week. There was a knock at the door of the dorm I opened it and to my surprise it was Sam and our parents Mary and John, Mary spoke with a beat of joy "do you think we would just leave you head to unpack alone!?" I chuckled and hugged them Sam was memorised by the place and said excitedly "I can't wait till I'm in college" which made me chuckle more, John was holding a box that said books on it "I knew I forgot something" a said the books were all the books I needed for the courses I was taking which were engineering, automotive repair and vehicle manufacturing they were mainly to help with the family businesses but I liked them. Sam and our parents helped me unpack and plug in the mini fridge in the kitchen area after a few hours they had to leave.

Leaving me alone wondering if I had a roommate and when would they arrive, I left the dorm in search of this mystery roommate I was about half way down the stairs when I noticed a messy hair boy with a trench coat struggling to figure out where he was I walked up to the boy and asked "hey are you alright do you want some help finding your dorm?" The boy looked up at me and blushed slightly looking embarrassed and quietly said "y-yes thank you" I asked "so, what room number are you?" he replied "56" my eyes lit up to this as I said "well follow me because we're roommates" the boy followed me up to our room and stood in awe at it he said "my name is Castiel, Castiel Novak" I replied "Dean, Dean Winchester" Castiel looked vey timid and then spoke "I have to go get Gabriel and my things" I said "I'll help, I have already done that" I followed Castiel down the stairs to find and brown haired guy shouting "Castiel there you are oh and wow found you self a big strong guy to help you, I thought I was that guy or was I just the taxi?" The short guy looked me up and down then handed me the boxes in his hand and said "I'll go get some more with Castiel while you bring those into his room" the boxes where pretty heavy I wonder what's in them. I brought the boxes in to the room in our dorm that said room 2 a few minutes later Castiel and Gabriel were back with some more boxes and Gabriel said "you look strong we need help on the last thing" he dragged me down to o his blue 4 by 4 Nissan and said "lift" while staring at me he grabbed a rug and Castiel grabbed the last box Gabriel was making me lift a entire sofa which he then threw the rug on and grabbed the other side Castiel looked embarrassed and Gabriel said "Castiel it's better to live is style not squalor and you already convinced me not to have people redesign the entire dorm so you are still having the sofa!" This made me chuckle a little Gabriel looked so serious when he said that. We finally got the sofa in the dorm and Gabriel moved the chairs to make it look like a proper living room the chairs were on either end of the sofa facing each other with the rug underneath the coffee table after helping Castiel unpack his things the kitchen now had a microwave and a toaster and kitchen knives with a chopping board Gabriel said "what did I tell you Castiel? Everybody has a mini fridge so you don't need one see Dean here has one, oh and before I leave I need a picture of you two so you can have one on your fridge and I can have one, so get close and say cheese you too!" He said all that with a grin before he took the photo he moved me closer to Castiel and move my arm to be around Castiel's shoulders he finally took the two pictures of this polaroid camera and said " bye now Castiel, drink lots and party hard!" He left Castiel said "I'm so sorry about him he's my brother and he makes everything over the top" I replied "hey it's ok he's not that bad just very joyful" we both laughed and went our separate ways to bed.

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