Day 3

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Castiel's point of view
I woke up to an alarm which annoyed me but made me remember that Micheal was coming over to visit later on today and everything has to be perfect I stubble out of bed grab my things for a shower and head to the bathroom. Once I finished in the bathroom I put my stuff neatly in my room and make sure my room is tidy. I hear a noise in the other room it's Dean making a pot of coffee I stroll back into the room and see dean once again only wearing his hot dog pjs bottoms as he has our mugs that he cleaned out from yesterday on the counter I walk over and say "good morning Dean" he responds "morning Cas, coffee?" I say "yes please" he pours me a cup and says "we need some food in this place because I can't be bothered to go down to the food hall to get breakfast lunch and dinner" I nodded in agreement and I said "my bother Micheal is coming over later today so if you hurry and get changed we can go to the supermarket and buy some food" Dean smiled at this and blew on his coffee before chugging it and placing his mug in the sink and walking over to his room and then to the bathroom to get a shower, I slowly enjoyed my coffee before finishing and washing out both Dean and I's mugs and putting them away I waited for Dean who came out of the bathroom and then places his thing on the side in his room we both grabbed our wallets and keys and left the dorm to go to the supermarket.

~At the supermarket ~

We arrived at the supermarket Dean grabbed a trolley and we walked to the first isle. Dean begs me to let him get pie I give into his pleading and we grab the essentials like milk, coffee, microwaveable food like soup we also got some bread and Dean grabbed some energy drinks and beer which I didn't protest because there would be no point. Dean asks me "hey Cas do you want some cereal?" With which I replied "cornflakes" we grabbed the cornflakes and made are way over to the till even though Dean was only nineteen because we went to the supermarket of campus he could use his fake ID to but the beer we place all the shopping into bags and walked back to Dean's car which was a black 67 impala which he called baby you could tell Dean loved this car we put the shopping onto the back seat of the car and got in Dean put one of his tapes into the car and like on his black t-shirt AC/DC started to play.

~Back at the dorm room~
We entered the dorm room and unpacked the shopping, a few minutes after there was a knock at the door I answered it with a warm smile because it was Micheal he gave me a huge hug and he looked over to Dean who was fiddling with a button on his flannel shirt on the sofa, Micheal spoke and asked "who is the boy on the sofa?" I responded "come in and this is Dean he is my roommate" Dean waved I closed the door Micheal spoke once again "Gabriel went all out didn't he? Show me you room" Dean said "I'll make some coffee" Micheal smiled as I took him into my room he look awestruck at the organisation and co-ordination the room had because Gabriel is usually very messy but he soon realised that Castiel was there too keep it from getting too messy. I brought Micheal back out of my room and Dean handed him a cup of coffee in a mug which said 'keep calm and watch some bees' and then handed me my bee mug from earlier Dean had his AC/DC mug and he seamed quite relaxed with Michael being here, we all went to the sofa and sat down I was in between Dean and Micheal it was silent for a few minutes until Dean broke the silence with a question "so Micheal did you go hear for college" I believed it was the first thing that came to Dean's mind yo break the silence Micheal answered with a small "yes" and back to silence it was I wondered what to say but nothing came so I asked "Micheal, how is work going" which seemed to get a conversation going because Micheal responded "not too well most of my employees at the tech firm are off sick and my bosses a throwing more and more work at me so I might not end up with a lot of time to see you Castiel" Dean gave some advice "Micheal my dad has gone through patches like that back to school is one of the busiest times of the year so you could try getting some employees to work from home and seeing if you have enough revenue to hire more employees to do the things that have to be done in the office" Micheal's eyes lit up and he had a smile on his face "thank you Dean, Castiel I'm just going to send a quick email I'll be back in a second I smiled in relief that the conversation was going some where. The rest of the time Micheal was here went smoothly and after he said that he liked Dean and he seems like a good guy.
After Micheal lift Dean said "shall we go down to room 38B now and mingle with people?" I nodded in response we went down the stairs to room 38B and we were invited in by two girls Jane and Diana they both seemed very nice there dorm was laid out the same as Dean and I's but it had a big lilac rug on the floor and there walls were decorated with pictures of there friends they had little appetisers on the counters and on there coffee table there were quite a few people in this dorm but others next to the dorm had there doors open with people inside and there were people just wandering the hallways it was very nice Dean was talking to Nate and his roommate Josh I stood next to Dean as he talked "so what car do you have Nate?" "Oh my car isn't very interesting it's a small Hyundai, but I've seen this black Chevy in the parking lot, I mean who hasn't? It looks amazing, do you know who it belongs to Dean or Cas?" Dean replied "oh that's my car her name is baby" Dean was smiling so proudly about his car Nate and Josh's jaws drop, Nate says gobsmacked "so not only are you ripped and everyone is talking about it but your the mysterious cool car owner, wow man just wow" Dean blushed at this comment, Jane came round and asked " does anyone want a beer?" As she held a tray of bottles we all got a beer I got one this time to fit in and I quite enjoyed the beer.

Deans point of view
As the night went on few all sat on Jane and Diana's sofa which was a deep purple leather sofa, Castiel sat next to me as we drank our beers and laughed and chatted with Nate and Josh, Castiel fell asleep on my shoulder which made my stomach go into butterflies I then decided to call it a night but I didn't want to wake Castiel up though I loved gazing into his electric blues eyes I decided no to and I scooped him up  Nate thought it was cute and he had a Polaroid camera which he took a picture and placed it on to the sleeping Castiel's chest and I carried Castiel's surprisingly light body back up the stairs the people who were still awake awed at me carrying the trench coated boy back to our dorm when we got to the dorm I walked into Castiel's room and placed him on to his bed and removed his shoes and tucked him in I put the polaroid onto the counter before I crashed into my bed.

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