Lazy day

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Castiel's point of view
I woke up rapped again in dean's arms but no longer at his house, we where back at college on the sofa that Gabriel made me take I felt so cozy but I needed coffee badly I didn't move for a solid minute then I as I was about to get up I was hugged a little tighter this made me blush then I heard Dean's deep husky morning voice which sent goosebumps all over my body he then spoke "not yet you can get coffee later I'm comfortable" I stopped squirming and cozied back down I guess coffee could wait.

But about ten minutes later he let me go and said "now you can squirm your way out to get coffee" I chuckled and rushed to the coffee pot and put a fresh pot on, once it was finished I put them on the coffee table before rushing to my room to grab more blankets which I soon returned with a pile Dean just chuckled as I passed them to him before sitting back down next to him we where both in our pyjamas snuggled on the sofa with all my blankets and coffee nothing could ruin the day Dean then said softly "do you want a lazy day again?" I nodded before taking a sip out of my steaming coffee he then snuggled in closer and took a sip out of his coffee he then ruined the moment by getting up and saying "I'll be back in a moment" he went to the bathroom and came back he rifled threw his box and pulled out his tv he must have taken it out of his room he then plugged it in and placed it on the wall which had a small ledge on it he then went back to his box then too the fridge and cupboards and came back with a bunch of snacks and the remote he then turned the tv on and we began to watch a movie called The Demeter which was based on the book Dracula it was a horror but it was good both Dean and I snuggled up in the blankets while drinking our coffee and eating our snacks it was pretty peaceful until I needed to pee I reluctantly pulled myself of the sofa and told Dean "I need to pee I'll be back in a second" he paused the movie so when I came back and snuggled back in it was like I never left, Dean eventually rapped one of his arms around me and I pretend not to notice.

Once the movie was over it was still light outside so I went to my desk in my room to study Dean did the same, by the time it got dark  I had finished it all and slipped into bed just before I fell asleep Dean came in to check on me he said "night Cas I'll make sure your up for classes tomorrow" I nodded as I groaned before falling cozily to a blissful silent sleep.

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