The day of the party

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Dean's point of view
I woke up at 9:30am to a clatter I rushed out of my room to find Cas on the floor next to the bags Nate dumped into our room I scooped Cas of the floor and was about to carry him over to the sofa when Nate barges in with his polaroid camera around his neck Nate was a 5,11 guy with dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes with his face covered in freckles he had Harry Potter glasses to complete his look he spoke and said "are you sure you too aren't dating because every time I come in here your always in position like this" then he took a picture of us Cas gave him a death stare as I put him on the sofa and I question Nate "how the hell did you get in here!? And don't say the door was unlocked because I locked it last night after you left!" Nate replied sheepishly "I got your keys copied" I rolled my eyes as I watch him look straight at me I was only wearing a pare of joggers Nate then said "wow the girls were right you are ripped" I blushed a bit and grabbed my things to get a shower while Nate put a pot of coffee on and put the picture of Cas and i next to the others on our mini fridge when I got out of the shower I saw Nate and Cas sitting having a cup of coffee Cas was shouting at him "did you really have to leave the bags right out side my door!?" I smiled to my self while I grabbed a cup of coffee and swapped places with Cas who was going to get a shower and get dressed I then asked Nate "so what are you doing in our room this early?" He said "I was going to ask you if you would help me put posters up after you class" I only had one class that day and so did Cas I said to him "when Cas gets back we can ask him" a few minutes later Cas came back in his suit and tie with his trench coat Nate the asked well more begged Cas "can you please please please help me put up posters after you class for our party" Cas stared at him then said "fine" Nate ran out saying "thank you thank you thank you" I got up and said "shall we" we left and walked to our classes. After class Nate was waiting for us and then hand us the posters which said:

Dorm party TONIGHT
At dorm 56 and 59B
Wear you pyjamas
There will be pizza, snacks and beers
All are welcome!

Cas looked at them and said "this is going to take while" Nate then proceeded with "I have Benny and Josh doing building A and I convinced these three guys called John, Dan and Milo to do dorm C so we only have to do dorm B so it shouldn't take to long" Cas and I looked at each other and the back at Nate and said at the same time "fine whatever" it took little over an hour then I met back up with Cas and we went to the cafeteria to get some lunch we shared a pizza and then went back up to our dorm where we found Nate and Josh making s'mores with some of Josh's catering utensils I rolled my eyes and went to help so did Cas Benny then walked in saying "I have made the call for all those pizza to be delivered to this dorm at 7.30pm the guy seem very happy with this and it's gonna cost like $200 so you better know what you are doing Nate" Nate replied with a grin "of course I know what I'm doing" we all rolled our eyes to Nate's response and carried on preparing for the party it was only about 3pm when we were done with preparations.

Cas and I were now on the sofa reading Harry Potter and chamber of secrets together when we finished it was around 6:30 and we both went to put our pyjamas on I wore my joggers and a dark grey tank top Cas was wearing an over sized t-shirt and shorts we both sat on the sofa then Nate burst in wearing a hooded blue onesie and slippers with his polaroid camera around his neck he said with excitement "both of you up I need a picture of you too" I replied "you already got one this morning" Nate had a look of confusion for a second and then said "oh yeah" he then put a door stop on our door and said "now people can get in"  he wandered away and shouted "let's get this party started!" He then went to his dorm and put rave music on both Cas and I rolled our eyes and got up to check out the floor many people opened there doors had had drinks and snacks which they must've bought early that day Cas and I grabbed a beer and went to go sit back down in our dorm room then a group of girls burst in and start hounding me one girl said "show us your abs" another said "yeah show us your abs" another said "unless you scared they went to sit next to me practically pushing Cas of the sofa "hey stop that" I said but the kept going now they where trying to take my top of I stood up and put my beer down and picked Cas up because they had now pushed him of the sofa not knowing what else to do I grabbed Cas and pulled him as close as I possibly could and whispered "sorry" then I slammed my lips in to his which made the girls leave and Cas blush a dark crimson and I pulled away and I said "sorry Cas I couldn't think of any other way to get rid of them" Cas replied calmly "it's ok I know you had no other choice really" and we both turned our faces to see I slightly shocked but grinning Nate waving a picture of us around Cas and I shouted at the same time "give us that!" Nate said "No!" And ran off I chased him down the hall while Cas waited a bunch of people with pizza watched as I chased Nate barefoot back to his dorm Nate slammed his bedroom door and shouted "you'll never get this now!" I walked off defeated and grabbed Cas and I some pizza and went back to our dorm Cas was waiting outside chatting with Jane and Diana from the other night I walked up and said "hey Cas got you pizza, hey Diana, Jane I would have got you some if I knew you were here" Cas took a bite of the pizza while Jane replied to me "it's ok just tell me where and I'll grab Diana and I some" I replied and said "in Nate and Josh's room" Jane went off and Cas paused from eating and said "did you get it?" Diana replied before me "get what?" Both Cas and I's faces turned a dark crimson red and we both said "nothing" very quickly and Diana gave us a look of suspicion and then Jane came back with pizza I stood next to Cas and whispered to him "no, sorry" he whispered back "it's ok" the rest of the night went on smoothly when Nate left his room both Cas and I gave him a death stare Jane saw and Diana told her "don't ask they won't tell you, I've tried" they left soon after Nate and Josh came over I whispered to him "if you show anybody I will kill you in your sleep" this gave Nate a nervous look on his face.

Third-person point of view
The rest of the night went on smoothly everyone wearing there pyjamas they ate some s'more that they had made earlier Castiel got some on his cheek Dean wiped it off which though Dean didn't notice it made Castiel blush at around 11pm Dean and Castiel called it a night and made everyone who was in there room leave as they closed and locked the door Dean removed his top and said "night Cas" and strolled into his room and crashed onto his bed Castiel replied to Dean and said "good night Dean" as he walked into his room and crawled into bed and went to a blissful sleep.

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