Day of the trip back to college

18 3 1

Dean's point of view
I woke up next to Cas who was laying on my chest it had been a fun rest of the week we hung out with some of my old friends and there were pictures of Cas and i from the party which were taken on a polaroid by one of my mates he gave them to us in an envelope which consisted of pictures of Cas and i re-enacting the death kissing scene on the sofa and the house had a balcony so Cas and I re-enacted the balcony scene so now Cas and I are going to bring them back to collage and we will guard them with our lives away from Nate, on Halloween we stayed in and watched the entire Halloween franchise while every so often we got up to see tricker treaters in there adorable costumes asking for sweets we gave them some and smiled as they skipped away.

I got up and packed up my things and packed up Cas's while he was still asleep I then got into the shower and when I came back Cas was awake getting ready to get in the shower he swapped with me and he strolled towards the bathroom I made sure we had everything I then brought the boxes down stairs and out the door to baby and I put the boxes in her boot I then went back up to my room to find Cas sitting on my bed folding his pyjamas he said "I'm not ready to go back yet" I chuckled and sat next to him and spoke "hey Cas once we get back we can chill for a day then we have classes and we have all of our friends back there so we should try to have some positive thoughts about going back" he smiled a bit and rested his head on my shoulder our moment was soon ruined by my mum calling up "Dean, I have made you and Castiel some food for the road, can you come down and get it so you can get back to school at a reasonable time" Cas and I went downstairs to my mum handing me my cooler full of food and drinks we smiled I hugged my mum and my dad good bye and before I was out the door there were a patter of feet and a tight hug from behind followed "hey Sammy" I turned around to hug him back he replied "do you have to leave?" I nodded and he gave me the famous puppy eyes and spoke "hey you can't do that to me you know I don't have a choice and those puppy eyes just making it harder" he hugged me tighter before letting go Cas and I waved them goodbye from the car and I pulled out and drove a little bit before looking back through the rear view mirror to see Sammy standing in the middle of the road waving at us I then tooted my horn and drove off back to collage we chatted a lot in the car before we arrived.

Once we were back at collage we got out of baby grabbed our boxes and headed inside to our dorm once we were in I locked the door and we collapsed on the sofa together and fell asleep.

/Hey this has a bit to do with this story I may not post something everyday like I sort of have been doing because I'm trying to think of more interesting things to add to the story lines but if you like my writing I also have another story called Son of a witch! Which is a destiel story about Dean being turned into a woman. So when I have writers block for this storyline I'm adding to the other one so if your interested please do check it out/

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