First day back after October

11 3 2

Dean's point of view
The sound of my alarm was loud and irritating I just wanted to throw it at the wall but I didn't, I pulled my self out of bed and grabbed some clothes and strolled to the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth, once I was out of the bathroom I heard movement from Cas's room which made me smile I put my pyjamas away before investigating, Cas was awake but was trying to get back to sleep so I scooped him up and brought him through to the main room and placed him on the sofa he glared at me while still rapped up in one of his blankets and cuddling his almost pillow bee plushy I then grabbed my bag and said "hey I have my first lesson soon so I'll be leaving now so you get ready for yours, okay?" He nodded with a glare as I rushed out of the door to my engineering class.

The class was very boring and it lasted two hours, once it was over I left and bumped into Nate who was going to his next class we spoke a bit before walking our separate ways I arrived at my second two hour class and huffed before entering the boring class room which was automotive repair, all I could think about was of Castiel being so light and his blue blue orbs that could swallow me whole I barely payed any attention to the lecture.

Once it was over I headed back to my dorm back up the stairs to the room I dragged my feet through the door to find no Cas only a note which read:

Hello Dean,
You have left me these notes so
I thought I'd try it.
I'll be back an hour after your last class
So wait for me and make coffee!

I grinned at the note while admiring the cursive written note, I jumped on to the sofa kicked off my shoes and reread the note over and over again even though Castiel and I were only friends nothing more I still had nervous joy around him and everything he does.

I heard a knock at the door I quickly put the note back and opened it, it was Cas he was soaked he was dripping a bit, I pulled him inside as he said "I left my key here so I couldn't get in" I smiled as I pulled of his trench coat and blazer to reveal his now see through shirt with his blue tie, Cas was shivering.

I brought him into the bathroom and turned on the hot shower.

His hands were to cold and shaky to undo his tie and buttons so I helped him with his shirts I then crouched down to undo his shoe laces which once I did Cas slipped his feet out he then pulled his socks off and began to try and undo his belt, zip and button on his trousers he soon looked up at me with his hands still shaking he asked "Dean I can't undo it" I smiled slightly with my face turning crimson I undid his trousers and pulled them down he stepped out of them and whispered with a shaky voice "thank you, Dean" I took that as a hint to leave so I did.

Castiel's point of view
I couldn't undo my belt or button on my trousers so I asked Dean with a bright pink blush on my face "Dean I can't undo it" I knew his was slightly embarrassed to help me because he was a crimson red but he helped me anyway and after I said "Thank you, Dean" he then left I really didn't want him to though I desired to shower with him but I knew that wasn't an option, I pulled down my pants and got into the shower which soon warmed me up.

Once I got out of the shower my clothes were gone!

All I could see was a folded up towel and some clothes with a note which said:

Hey Cas don't be alarmed I
took your clothes to dry them
But I left you these with a towel
Oh and I liked you note!

He was so sweet he left me a note with clothes but as I looked at the clothes I realised that he must have been in my underwear draw I blushed an extreme crimson at this realisation but I dried myself and got changed into the clothes he left out for me were his old clothes which didn't fit him and were barely worn, he gave me these clothes before we left his so I would have something other than my shirts and trousers.

I exited the bathroom to find Dean waving me over to the sofa, I obliged and sat down he handed me a bowl of chicken soup which we bought when we we're buying food and snacks we could have in our dorm, I smiled and said "thank you Dean, sorry if it was awkward in the bathroom" he smiled back holding his bowl and replied "hey it's okay you would have done the same for me" he turned on the tv and we ate our soup while watching the Guardians of the Galaxy once we finished our soup we put our bowls down and snuggled together on the sofa and continued to watch the movie.

When the movie had finished I had fallen asleep.

Dean's point of view
Cas had fallen asleep on my shoulder after the film so I reluctantly scooped him up off me and brought him to his room before I could turn to leave I got pulled into the bed by the sleeping Cas who hugged me so tight I couldn't move so I just stayed with him and eventually fell asleep next to him.

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