October break day 2

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Dean's point of view
I woke up with my arms rapped around Cas's body and our legs intertwined I realised we were spooning I didn't know how would be the less awkward way to get up so I didn't and I went back to sleep.

Castiel's point of view
I opened my eyes to a cuddly presence who was intertwined with me Dean's were arms rapping around my curled up body I blushed and felt so safe and comfortable that I snuggled up even more and fell back to sleep.

Mary's point of view
I had gotten up and gone down the stairs to put a pot of coffee on and I decided to make pancakes for breakfast when I was partway through making the pancakes John had crept up behind me and was now kissing my neck while hugging me he said in a calmly sleepy voice "good morning beautiful" I turned around and kissed him while Sam and Jess walked into the room the both looked at us with slight disgust this made John and I chuckle I finished up the pancakes and served them up on to the table everyone was in there pyjamas still I then realised that Dean and Castiel haded come down there stairs yet so I put my coffee down and walked up the stairs and to Dean's room to look for them and what I saw was the most adorable thing that I think I had ever seen Dean and Castiel were cuddled up together asleep though I didn't want to wake them I knew I had to so I started by knocking on the door and saying "rise and shine sleepy heads" as I gazed at them they both woke up and pulled a part blushing hard I chuckled lightly and said "pancakes downstairs if you want them" they both got up Dean threw his tank top on and they followed me down the stairs yawning and stretching we made it into the dining room and John chuckled "morning sleep heads" they both sat next to each other and took some pancakes they both turned to me and Cas said "thank you, Mary" and Dean followed saying "yeah thanks mum" they both turned back and tucked into the pancakes I sat back down and continued to drink my coffee Dean suddenly got up and said "hey Cas do you want some coffee" Castiel nodded and the replied "not a cup which says you've been poisoned" they both chuckled at this I thought it must be and inside joke, Dean came back and gave Castiel a mug which said 'I am honey' and Dean sat down with a mug which said 'I like honey' I don't think he realised this though the both took a sip at the same time and then put there mugs down and continued to eat the pancakes.
After breakfast the boys cleaned up then the strolled of back into Dean's room.

Castiel's point of view
Dean and I entered his room and opened our boxes I was trying to find anything other than shirts and ties to wear Dean saw this and chuckled "you have nothing other than suits do you? Here let me find something for you" he opened his wardrobe and grabbed a t-shirt and jeans and passed them to me and said "these should fit" I then asked "could I use your shower?" Dean nodded and we both grabbed our things and he lead me to the shower room he then showed me how the shower worked it was a shower bath with an almost see through curtain which rapped all the way around it Dean then spoke "I'll brush my teeth while you shower then we can swap" I hopped in to the warm shower and heard Dean brush his teeth as I showered and then we swapped i was trying hard not to look at his naked body as he hoped into to the shower closing the shower curtain I got dried and dressed I then brushed my teeth while Dean got out of the shower and got dried and dressed we grabbed our stuff again and left the bathroom room to Mary asking "did you too shower together?" Dean and I shook our heads and Dean answered Mary "no mum we just got showered while the other brushed there teeth" she the said "ok... well Sam and Jess need help getting costumes for a Halloween party, which your invited to Dean it's with a bunch of your old school friends and others and I'm sure Castiel can go to but you to need costumes" Dean stood there for a second and blurted out "costume's really!?" Mary then nodded and walked passed us into the bathroom, We went back into Dean's room and put our stuff away Dean then said "you really need some better shoes than those, while we are out we can get you something's normal to wear" he chuckled as I put my shoes on and put my trench coat on Dean put a flannel on we both grabbed our wallets and headed down stairs we then sat down and waited for Sam and Jess for about 10 minutes they came down the stairs holding hand Dean then spoke "shall we go then?" Dean walked to his car I was behind him Dean got in the car I got in next to him and Sam and Jess got in the back still holding hand and we were off.

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