The day after the party

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Castiel's point of view
I woke up to my alarm for 10am all I could think about was last night and the kiss Dean an I shared it was amazing but it had no feelings to it, did it? It was just to get rid of those annoying girls who were harassing Dean oh but the kiss Dean had picked me up of the floor and slammed his surprisingly soft lips into mine as they caressed my lips I closed my eyes butterflies zooming in my stomach one of his hand's on my cheek the other on the lower half of my back, oh how I wished that moment had lasted for ever. I got up and walked into the kitchen to read a note which said:

Gone to my first lesson
didn't want to wake you

I read the note with a smile that perfect hand writing, I put a pot of coffee on and went to get a shower the drips of water against my skin made my body feel like I was going crazy because all I could think about was Dean and his strong arms and our kiss I turned the shower to cold to get the thoughts out of my mind because he is my roommate and it was just a crush right? it worked the thoughts flooded from my mind as I shivered I then turned the shower off and got dressed I grabbed one of my mugs which was covered in bees and honey comb I drank my coffee grabbed my bag with my books and made my way over two my first lesson Philosophy the lesson was pretty dull with the teacher going on and on about things that where taken out of the Bible like Lilith the first woman or Jesus' child hood I wrote notes on this and then class was over.

I strolled over to my last class of the day psychology I had the class yesterday but it was just a get to know the teacher more so I looked forward to actually starting to learn something. I entered the room and the teacher started "as you all know I am professor Blate and I teach people how to understand the brain I guess if you wanted simple terms so let's get started shall we so who knows which part of the brain is where the human emotions come from?" She went on and I found it very interesting as I scribbled down notes in my book when the lesson was over she said "you all probably think finally I won't have to hear her talk any more but you have me tomorrow" she chuckled and the entire class laughed at her comment I got up and grabbed my things and left the room and there I saw Dean waiting for me he was so kind he said "hey let's go grab lunch I'm starving, I have had three lessons in a row" I chuckled at this and we strolled to the entrance of the cafeteria when Dean said "let's go out for lunch we have no other lessons after" I nodded in agreement we walked to Dean's car and got in i then asked "where shall we go?" He shrugged and said "we shall see where baby takes us" he then put a tape of AC/DC and drove off.

We ended up at this sweet little place called anytime anything Dean pulled up and we got out of the car and walked inside and sat down and took a look at the menu which had everything from pizza to dumplings a short blonde haired blue eyed woman walked up to us pushing her glasses up her nose and saying "hello welcome to anytime anything, what can I get you to drink?" I responded "can I just have a glass of water please?" She said "sure and what about your boyfriend?" We said at the same time "we're not together" she smiled and said "ok alright, so what will you have to drink then?" Dean responded "uh can I have a coke, thanks" she nodded and walked away I asked Dean "so what are you planning to eat? there's literally everything" he chuckled and said "a pulled pork burger sounds nice so probably that what about you?" I looked up and down the menu before noticing the pulled pork bao buns so I told Dean "I'm going to have the pulled pork bao buns i think" he smiled and nodded the woman came back with our drinks and said "here you two go, now are your ready to order?" Dean answered for us and said "he will have the pulled pork bao buns and I'll have your pulled pork burger" she nodded while writing that down then she walked off she returned 15 minutes later with our order Dean grinned at his burger which made me chuckle Dean picked up his burger and took a huge bite out of it and once he swallowed the bite he said "this is the best burger I have ever eaten" I chuckled while I took a bite out of one of my soft boa buns it was so delicious the sweet bread and the lovely pulled pork I thought to my self I would definitely come here again we finished eating and payed and tipped the waitress who served us and we left back to Dean's car back to the dorms where we found Nate with a childish grin on his face he said to us "I can now black mail you with the picture I have of you too, so I need help I won't show anyone the picture if you help me talk to a girl" Dean looked at him like he wanted to rip his face to shreds but I stepped in and said "what do you need help with then?" He responded with "how do you ask a cute girls out the last girl friend I had she was kind of the one who did the asking" he rubbed the back of his neck as his face grew a light crimson Dean had now calmed down and said "well have you started talking to her? Because that makes it so much easier because you kind of know her" Nate said "well yeah, I have" Dean then gave him a lecture on girls and how to ask them out and how to brush it off if she says no I put a pot of coffee on and gave them some the night went on and Nate thanked Dean and strolled off with a smile Dean then yawned and said "I'm going to hit the hey now I nodded and went to my room and crawled into to bed to thinking again about the kiss Dean and I had shared.

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