The morning after the Halloween party

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Dean's point of view
I woke up with a banging headache still in my Romeo costume I looked down Cas was fast asleep with his head resting one my chest I blushed before moving his head so I could get up but before I got up fully I was dragged back in with Cas mumbling "no don't get up yet" I then gently shook him awake because I knew it must've been uncomfortable to still be in that dress he stretched and yawned as I stood up and chuckled "morning Juliet" Cas looked down and then rolled his eyes at me before getting up I didn't really remember much from last night only that I drank a lot I asked cas "do you want to just have a lazy day today" he nodded so a threw him his pyjamas while I took off my shirt and jeans plus the tights underneath and I put my joggers on and I spun around to see Cas struggling with his corset and zip so I walked over to help. Pulling down his crimson dress I felt him shiver to my touch once I pulled him out of the dress we stood there and locked eyes before I passed him his oversized shirt and shorts we both turned to the bed and snuggle in under the covers peacefully we feel asleep again, I then heard someone knocking on the door 30 minutes later I sit up and say "come in" it's Sam with too coffees I smile at him as he places them down on the bed side table, I then gently shake Cas awake he groans as I say "coffee" he flips over from his front and sits up as I hand him the coffee I grab my own coffee we begin to drink them together Cas soon finished his coffee and handed me the mug which I put on the side with mine, he then leans his head on my shoulder I blush slightly before leaning my head on his head we lay like that for a while before he says "we should get up and get something to eat" I nod in agreement as we both slid out of bed and walked over to the door Cas grabbed my hand and rested his head on my arm and we exited the door and went down the stairs we walked into the dining room and I told Cas "hey you sit down and I'll make us something to eat as I walked in to the kitchen Cas watched me as I grabbed a pan to make eggs and bacon sandwiches, I start frying the eggs then the bacon and I put them on the buttered bread and grabbed the coffee and placed a the mug and plate in front of him before I headed to grab my coffee and plate and sat next to Cas who was smiling at his sandwich as he takes a bite and his smile grew ear to ear, I took a bite of mine and not to sound biased but it was really good Sammy came down the stairs with Jess and he said "it smells like bacon" he looks at Cas and i as we eat our sandwiches then say "hiya Sammy" he rolls his eyes and replies "Dean will you ever put a top on?" I look down at myself and back at him and say "I'm not that distracting"

Third-person point of view
As Dean said that he didn't notice that Cas was staring down with his cerulean eyes at Dean's abs as he bites into his sandwich with lust in his eye's luckily for Cas neither Dean, Sam or Jess noticed him and what he was doing he looked up with a slight blush but he ignored it as I dug back into his sandwich. After they finished up there sandwiches they headed back up to Dean's room leaving Sam and Jess down stairs as they went into Dean's room Dean asks "do you wanna watch anything on my tv?" Cas nods as they get into the bed Dean turns on his tv and clicks on to prime video Dean suggests "how about the boys?" Cas looked confused at Dean who looked shocked at his confused face and says "we're watching the boys" he clicks on the first episode and they cosy up in the bed and watch the boys all day long they didn't go down to dinner they just stayed in bed until they fell asleep again.

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