Christmas break is coming

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Dean's point of view
The weeks flew past Cas and I went to anytime anything a few more times and I walked him to his classes every time that I could we watched lots of tv together in my room I enjoyed every moment I spent with him, Gabriel came round a few times he just wanted to mess with Cas though and apologise for being away for the October break and how he wasn't going to be there for the Christmas one either.

I woke up the last day before Christmas break with Cas nudging me to wake up and telling me "Dean get up we're going to be late, I'm sorry I came in before your alarm went off and turned it off not on purpose I'm so sorry" I sprung out of bed and shoved some clothes on and replied "hey it's okay and we won't be late if we hurry!" We rushed out of the door and down to the lecture rooms I wave him a goodbye before rushing off to engineering I was exactly on the dot with my time I hurried in and listen to the long and boring lecture which lead on to the next one and the one after that but I was so happy when they were over because I was driving home today.

I entered the dorm to Cas sitting on the sofa reading a Christmas carol and I realised he didn't have anywhere to go again so I told him "get up and pack your coming home with me" he turned to me and asked "are you sure I don't want to barge in on any of your family plans for Christmas" I glared at him I so wanted to say 'get your cute ass up and pack because you have no excuses your coming' but I withheld saying the cute ass bit and said "no excuses your coming!" He then got up and went to his room to pack his clothes I made sure I had everything and I got changed into a cleaner pair of clothes before waited for him for a minute then I decided to help him pack his clothes.

I entered the room and crouched behind him and asked "hey Cas do you want some help?" He jumped stuffing his black boxers into the box before saying "please don't scare me like that again" I nodded and began to help him pack all his clothes into the box we left our Halloween costumes in the dorm room and I unplugged TV the to bring it back with us.

I locked the door and we walked down to baby I unlocked the boot and we slid our boxes in before getting in the front and I turned the ignition on while Cas searched through my cassette tape box.

I soon asked him while driving down the road "hey what are you looking for?" He pulled a tape out with a huge smile and then stuck it into the recorder and turned it up before replying "Christmas songs!" I smiled as merry Christmas everybody by Slade (Noddy Holder) Cas began to sing before gently hitting me in the arm as a gesture for me to sing to I shook my head as he rolled his eyes and sung along to every song on the tape which Sammy had snuck into my cassette tapes, we drove about halfway before I pulled over at a diner.

We entered the 80s styled diner and sat down across each other at a booth till a woman with long blonde hair and hazel eyes wearing a white apron on top of a peach dress came over holding a small note pad and asked Cas and I "Hi welcome to the 80s diner I'm Jill can I take your drinks order?" I smiled up at her before she winked at me and I felt of put usually I would be more flirty but all I could think about was Cas and I didn't want to ruin any shred of chance I had with him because of a diner girl so I replied "um sorry, could you not flirt with me?" She looked over at Cas and replied "oh are you to oh okay well what can I get you to drink?" I didn't really hear the first bit she said neither did Cas, I replied "Can I get a coffee black?" She nodded and turned to Cas who said "can I get the same?" She nodded and asked "so two coffees both black?" We nodded as she said "coming right up" she walked off.

Cas and I searched the menu for something to eat we both ended up choosing cheeseburgers as the woman came back with our coffees she placed them down and asked "so what will you have to eat?" I replied for both Cas and I "can we both get cheeseburgers?" She nodded and walked off as Cas and I sat there looking out if the window as it grew darker I turned to Cas and said "if it gets to dark we'll stay at a motel" he nodded and changed the subject by saying "this is a very cute place" I nodded and said "yeah I guess it is" are burgers soon arrived and Cas and I began to eat them with smiles painted across our faces.

Once we were done we left the diner leaving a good tip and a moment after leaving the diner I said "hey Cas we should just stay in the motel next door for the night" he nodded and I moved my car to its carpark and we entered the reception and I went up to the black frizzy hair man and asked "hey could we get a room for the night?" He looked up off of his phone and handed us a key and asked "that'll be fifty pounds" I gave him the money.

Cas and I went to the room and I unlocked the door.

The inside was nice and it didn't have any mould which was good, we walked inside I locked the door as Cas said "um Dean there's only one bed" I shrugged and replied "well we've slept in the same bed multiple times so it should be okay" he nodded as he then asked "should we should get our things?" I shook my head and said "we can just sleep in our clothes or boxers" he nodded.

He removed his top and jeans and stood there only in his short black boxers it was hard not to stare but I did anyways removing all my clothes apart from my boxers which were a navy blue we both got into the bed and Cas soon fell asleep on me as I set an alarm and messaged my parents saying 'I wouldn't arrive til the morning' I then set my phone down and fell asleep with Cas still resting on me.



My alarm was blasting as I turned it off I found that I had Cas in a full on bear hug I let go of him blushing like hell as he flipped over and looked up and with his deep husky morning voice he said "Good morning Dean" I smiled and replied "Morning Cas, we should get up and go to miss all the morning traffic" he smiled as we both got up and dressed.

We left the room and went back to the reception to check out.

Once we had done that we got back into baby and I drove off it would only take a few hours and we will get there just in time for breakfast.

We arrived at my house, I pulled up and we got out of the car and before I could close the door I was hugged tightly by Sammy who was still in his pyjamas I looked down and said "woah Sammy your almost the same height as Cas" he smiled as he replied excitedly "you brought Castiel!" I nodded as Cas said "hello Sam" when Sam finally released me from his grip I closed the door of baby then Cas and I grabbed our boxes from the boot and Sam closed it as we walked up to the door.

We where greeted by Bobby who said "Hey Dean how's college been? and who's your friend?" I smiled as I replied "good and this is my roommate Cas he didn't have anywhere to go this Christmas so I brought him here" Bobby nodded as he said "well sorry you two are going to have to sleep in the same bed" we shrugged as Bobby continued and asked "So what is Cas short for?" We entered the house as Cas replied "Castiel, Dean keeps calling me Cas so I guess it's my nickname" Bobby chuckled as he said "well nice to meet you Castiel, I won't keep you two boys any longer" we left Bobby and headed up the stairs to my room where we placed our boxes on the floor before returning back down for breakfast.

We came down the stairs and I waved and my mum and said "hey it's okay if Cas stays over again?" She nodded "the more the merrier!" We smiled as we joined Sam at the table and began to eat some toast and drink coffee, John soon asked "Dean we where expecting you last night, what happened?" I turned to him and replied "it got late and we where tied so we got a motel to stay the night" he nodded as Sam annoyingly asked "did you get one bed or two" I stopped in my tracks but luckily Cas was speedy with a reply "we got two beds, does that answer your question Sam?" Sam nodded as he continued to eat his cereal.

Once breakfast was over Cas and I cleaned up the dishes and decided that we should buy some Christmas presents since we were running out of time for them.

After doing the dishes we got into baby and I drove to the shopping centre.

Once we got to the shopping centre we looked around for gifts and grabbed some things while also getting each other a gift but hid it from each other so we didn't spoil the surprise.

When we got back it was getting late so we got into our pyjamas and went to sleep in my bed.

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