October break- road trip

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Dean's point of view
The rest of the weeks flew by so fast it blew my mind as I was packing my clothes up to go back home I noticed Cas wasn't packing so I asked "hey Cas why aren't you packing to go home!" He responded ripping his glued eyes from his book too look at me "oh I'm not going home lucifer has taken Gabriel and Samandriel on holiday and Micheal is busy at work so there is no point in me going home" I dragged him off the sofa and said "pack your clothes your coming home with me" I didn't really know what I was doing all I knew was that I didn't want Cas to just be glued to a book the entire week so he was better off coming back to Lawrence with me so I finished up packing then I helped Cas pack up then I locked the door and we brought our boxes to baby and put them in the boot we set of for our 5 hour road trip to Lawrence. The road trip was quite for about 30 minutes and then we started to play games to pass the time which consisted of truth or dare so we would get to know each other more I started by turning my head to him and saying "so Cas we're going to be in this car for a while, so I want to get to know you more, so truth or dare?" He looked surprised and thought for a second and then responded "um... truth" I then asked him "when was your first kiss?" He blushed and replied "umm it was when I was 15 this girl walked up to me and asks to kiss me to get back at her boyfriend and well I didn't really know what to say so I said umm ok and then we kissed in front of her boyfriend and we then got together" I looked at him then back to the road and replied "really she just walked right up to you ask kissed you!" "Nice" Cas then asked me "Truth or dare Dean?" I thought for a quick second and responded "Dare" Cas thought for around a minute and the said "honk at the car in front" I did and we got flipped off by that car we both chuckled as I said "truth or dare Cas" he said "dare" a grin grew upon my face as I pulled out a pack of chilly peppers Cas had a shocked look on his face as I said "here you go, I dare you to eat all of one" he gulped loudly while pulling one out of the package he looked at me then at the pepper and back at me he whispered "1 2 3" then he tilted his head back and lowed it into his mouth up to the apex and then he bit down and chewed the pepper as fast as he could his face getting redder and his eyes where beginning to tear up he swallowed it and showed me his empty mouth I then told him "in the cooler in the back seat there's some milk if you want it" he then spun around and reached into the cooler and drank the milk straight from the carton then he wiped his eyes while saying "your a meanie Dean" I chuckled while he said "truth or dare" I thought for a moment knowing he would probably make me eat a pepper if a I said dare so I said "truth" he huffed and thought for a second before saying "what is the worst prank you have pulled?" I thought for a moment while concentrating on the road I chuckled then answered "when Sammy and I were younger he was terrified of Halloween and he thought a monster lived in his wardrobe so like the 'meanie' that I am on Halloween night when Sammy was cozying into his bed a burst out with a Halloween mask on and I shouted at the top of my lungs 'BOO' Sammy screamed and wet the bed and for about a month after I had to stay in his room until he fell asleep telling him there was nothing in his wardrobe" Castiel's mouth dropped and he said "you are a meanie, I feel sorry for your brother" and he punched me in the arm and shouted sarcastically "ouch" we both laughed a bit and we pulled over to put some more gas into baby we were about half way through our journey to Lawrence, we both got out of the car and stretched I went to put more gas into baby's tank while Cas went to the loo he came back and I went to go and pay for the gas I strolled back to the car and hopped in Cas was waiting then he asked if we could put on the radio instead of my tapes I reluctantly agreed to his suggestion and we listen to the radio Cas had a smile on his face about an hour later on the road Cas had fallen asleep I gazed over at him he looked so adorable curled up the way he was I pulled my gaze from Cas and back onto the road we had an hour 30 left to go we kept a steady pace the rest of the drive. It was just getting dark when we arrived I awoke the sleeping Cas who groaned at this and got up we strolled over to the boot of baby and grabbed out boxes and walked side by side to the front door I rang the bell and heard running feet to the door and the person who opened the door was Sammy "your finally here!" He shouted and my parents came over my dad grabbed the box from my had and my mum took the box from Cas's and while saying whose this I spoke "this is Cas my roommate he had no where to go and I wasn't about to let him stay in the dorm by himself because he might've actually become a book worm" I chuckled Cas waved his had and said "Dean calls me Cas but my name is Castiel" he waved at Sammy with a smile and a girl walked over it was my brother's girlfriend my mum spoke "well Jess has taken the spare bedroom because her house is being redecorated so you and Castiel are going to have to stay in your room" both Cas and I nodded my dad said "you can both sleep head to toe" my mum then said "well then let's get you out of the cold, Sam could you get another plate out for your brother's friend" Sammy nodded and walked off we Jess not far behind in then said "Cas and I can take the boxes up stairs" we took the boxes off my parents and I took Cas up the stairs and showed him to my room I opened the door to a tidy room with posters of AC/DC on the wall and I told Cas "let's just put the boxes there" and after we put the boxes down I showed Cas my queen sized bed which was by the window and then we went Dow the stairs to a lovely smell of tuna pasta bake one of our favourites Cas smiled at the table full of life and food as well all sat down and tucked into the meal together my dad asked Cas and I lots of questions about school and once we where finished Cas and I cleared up the table and I washed the pots while he dried and Sammy and Jess put the pots and plates away after this I took Cas back up stairs and we got into our pyjamas and we didn't sleep head to toe because it was too uncomfortable we then went to sleep.

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