Second day of Christmas break

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Castiel's point of view
I woke up with my head snuggled into Dean's bare chest on his bed I opened my eyes and glanced up at the five o'clock shadow that started to appear on his face and I glanced higher to look fully at his sleeping face he was so adorable but my train of thought was soon interrupted.

"Cas it's creepy if you're staring at someone asleep, it happens in every horror movie that exists!" Dean had said this in his deep raspy and husky voice while he turned to look down at me.

His arms were wrapped tightly around my waist before I was released by the continuously waking Dean I wiggled out and up off the bed to stretch Dean soon followed me and he lead me down the stairs to the dining table where Sam and Bobby where already at.

We entered the room and waved as Bobby chuckled "did you two sleeping beauties sleep well?" Dean glared at him while responding "we have been very active the past months" Bobby rolled his eyes and said with a sarcastic chuckle "sure you have" we didn't really know what he meant but Sam burst out laughing as Bobby picked up the newspaper that was lying on the table and began to read as Dean and I entered the kitchen to help Mary make breakfast, John had already left for work he only had a few more days before he was off.

We helped Mary make pancakes in the kitchen we got a bit messy.

"DEAN WATCH!- " I shouted as the flour dropped on to the floor covering us head to toe in the white powder Mary almost fell over from laughing at the state of us she chuckled "wait here I'll be back" she trotted off into the other room returning minutes later in her hand was a polaroid camera and before we knew it she had taken a picture of us.

She was waving us out saying "you two get a shower I'll finish the pancakes" we entered the dining room Sam burst out laughing as Bobby joined him with a chuckled Dean rolled his eyes and sarcastically responded "yeah yeah this is extremely hilarious!" He then grabbed my wrist and pulled me quickly up stairs and straight to his room.

We grabbed our clothes and headed for the bathroom to shower we placed our things down as Dean asked "so are we showering separately or together again?" I shrugged as he thought before replying "if we have one together it will take less time and it will save energy plus water" I nodded as he turned on the shower and we removed our pyjamas.

We got into the shower and faced away from each other as we showered.

We finished up and hopped out and dried and dressed ourselves before heading back downstairs leaving our pyjamas in the washing basket.

We returned and Bobby looked up with surprise "that was quick, did you two shower at the same time?" We shook our heads hiding our truth as Dean replied "no we just showered quickly" we sat at the table as Mary came in with plates of pancakes after she placed them on the table we all dug into them enjoying each small bite.

Once we had finished eating Dean and I cleaned up as everyone else went to shower and get ready for the day.

When Mary came down and saw us sitting on the sofa she said "I hope you boys are fully awake because we are putting the Christmas stuff up today, we waited for you Dean so we could do it as a family, Castiel is just a wonderful bonus to help" we got up as Mary said "the tree should arrive with John when he comes home so we'll do the tree decorating then but for now you two better get cracking with the lights for outside" she pointed to a box which Dean picked up as I checked to see if they were twisted or knotted which luckily for us they weren't.

I put my trench coat on as Dean put his leather coat on before we exited the house to decorate it with lights.

We stood staring at it for a moment before Dean grabbed a ladder and said "your lighter so you can go up" I rolled my eyes as he chuckled handing me the lights and watching me go up the ladder he shouted as I was halfway up "nice ass Novak!" I blushed as I shouted back "why are you looking Winchester?" We both laughed as I got off the ladder onto the first bit of the roof, Dean then began to climb the ladder to join me he held the staple gun as he climbed.

When he was up besides me he said "well let's get this over with before one of us falls" we started stapling the lights down and soon enough I we we're done Dean let me climb down first before climbing down himself I shouted up "well you can't say much you have I very nice behind!" He almost fell from laughter he shouted down "thank you!" And once he was down we had a long hard laugh before Dean plugged the lights in.

They began to twinkle red, yellow and green they looked so magical after gazing at them we grabbed the ladder and put it away before entering back into the house where it was fully decked with Christmas things, everything apart from a tree.

Sam ran up to us and pushed us near the break between the dining room and living room and grinned as we looked up and back at him Bobby joined us and said "rules are rules boys" Dean glared at Sam and then turned to me and gave me a small peck on the lips and saying "there you go" Bobby looked disproved as he said "well I'll let that slide but if you get caught again you need to kiss properly not a quick brush" Dean rolled his eyes as he removed his coat and I removed mine he put them on the pegs and we made sure that we didn't get caught in the mistletoe again.

We watched a Christmas movie before John returned and he opened the door dragging the tree in and saying "well let's get this tree up and decorated" we all helped put the tree into place before Mary opened the box of decorations and her John and Sam decorated the tree while Dean Bobby and I continued to watch a Christmas movie together as not to add to many chefs to the stew.

Soon after we ate our roast beef dinner we went to bed.

/If I'm not editing on this story it's because I'm still working on Son of a witch! and my newest one high school destiel (I haven't come up with a good name for it yet but part one is out!)

Thank you for reading I really appreciate everything read and especially comments on opinions!/

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