Christmas day

14 2 1


Dean's point of view
I slowly stirred awake with the remainder of my dream which the more I woke up I realised that it wasn't a dream and I did really kiss Cas and remembering it more brought a huge smile across my freckled face the kiss Cas and I shared was magical and how he agreed to be mine was like a love story that had just poured out of a book and into mine and Cas's life.

I wanted to squeeze him as much as I possibly could but as my hands searched for Cas across my mattress and duvet I couldn't find him my eyes sprung opened in confusion I gazed around my bed to then the rest of my room I found no Cas but my eyes drifted to my bedside table to find a neatly written note:

I have a present for you!
You will just have to search for it!
Hint: try getting in the shower first

I smiled excitedly as I sprung up out of my bed stretching before I sped out of my bedroom door and to the bathroom to take a shower and change my pyjamas to my regular clothes.

The hot droplets of water began to carefully caressed my skin as I showered thinking of how when Cas and I got back to campus we could get a house to stay in instead of our dorm so we could make as much noise as we wanted but I couldn't figure out whether or not you had to have more than two students in a college house if so maybe we could get one with Nate, Josh, Jane, Diana and Benny the thought soon faded away as I turned the shower off and hopped out to dry myself soon after I put a pair of ebony black boxers on and then my denim jeans but before I could put my top on I realised that I had forgotten it so I left the bathroom in search of my top and made my way back over to my room.

By the time I got back into my room I looked up at my bed and was amazed at the sight before me I saw my jaw was widely ajar at the perfect sight.

Cas was lying on my bed in his birthday suit facing me with a festive bow stuck to his cock I smirked as I locked my bedroom door and made my way slowly towards him removing the bow with complete eye contact with Cas, I then removed my jeans and boxers to join him in only wearing a birthday suit, I climbed on top of him and leaned down to kiss him smack on his plump lips and as I pulled away I whispered into his ear "oh well this is the greatest present I have ever seen in my life! just know you signed up for this with the bow" he chuckled softly before I kissed again him biting and pulling at his lip before moving slowly down his body from his jaw onwards kissing and leaving little mulberry marks all over his model like body, before reaching down to his semi hard cock which I looked up at him making eye contact again and smirked before kissing it then opening my mouth and sucking him off as he moaned loudly in pleasure...

After we were done we both lay there secure in the covers of my bed I cuddled him from behind softly kissing his smooth shoulder while beginning to whisper to him sweet nothings like "you are amazing" and "if I knew you were this perfect I would have taken you the first time we met" as well as being serious and telling him "we should get a shower but this time face each other" he chuckled softly and barely being audible at all of my whispering before pulling me up with him out of my bed and dragging along as we grabbed a fresh set of  clothes, I opened the door slightly sticking my head out to check making sure that no one saw us as we ran across the hall still naked towards the bathroom to take a shower.

As soon as we entered I turned on the shower which Cas and I soon hopped in when the droplets of water had heated up to a reasonable temperature.

We showered together letting the water consume us as we kissed every so often while cleaning each other with the shampoo and shower gel which smelt of apples ince we were fully clean we were both reluctant at getting out but we still did I got out first and held my hand out for Cas to take when he got out of the shower I wrapped a towel around him and we both dried ourselves off before getting dressed and heading down the stairs to join everyone downstairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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