Christmas eve

18 2 7

Dean's point of view
The past few days wizzed by as Cas and I enjoyed each other's company at my house we avoided getting caught again in the mistletoe which was hard because we walked side by side everywhere and Sam tried to push us in as a joke every so often but we mainly watched movies together no chic flicks though even Cas pleaded and Sam had taught him puppy eyes so he used them on me and I gave in a few times which made Cas cheer for joy.

I woke up with Cas fast asleep lying in a ball on top of me which was a new position for us to wake up in we always woke up in a spoon or facing each other but today his entire body was on top of me peacefully asleep but my body was growing numb so I decided that I needed to wake him up but I didn't know how, so I thought of the best way to do so, I tickled him until he woke up.

He soon woke up squirming before being to laugh "Dean ha what are you doing? hahaha" He squirmed all over me til he fell off onto the mattress beside me I soon stopped and replied with a smile "I wanted to wake you up" Cas playfully hit me in the arm before getting up and pulling me up saying "Dean I'm hungry and since you woke me up your making me breakfast!" I chuckled as I walked down the stairs side by side with him holding his hand as he smiled wanting his breakfast.

We walked through the dining room doorway avoiding the mistletoe just in case someone was there to catch us, walking to the kitchen we let go of each others hands and looked around no one was in the kitchen.

I decided to fry bacon and egg for sandwiches so I got the ingredients out and began to fry the bacon in the pan for Cas as he leaning against the counter waiting, we were soon joined in the kitchen by Bobby who asked "what smells so good? Oh Dean your cooking?" I chuckled and replied "yes Bobby I can cook and it's the bacon that smells amazing" we chuckled before Bobby went back into the dining room to read the newspaper that he picked up, I continued to fry the bacon while Cas started to make a pot of coffee.

By the time I had finished frying the bacon plus the eggs everyone was down stairs in the dining room at the table talking while waiting, we came into the room bringing the sandwiches and coffee pot in before we joined them before tucking in and eating and Sam began to speak "so Dean have you already got a girlfriend or are you still changing every month again?" I rolled my eyes as Cas looked confused at me I replied "just because I went through a lot of girls doesn't mean I have one now and hey I didn't always break up with them they broke up with me too" he chuckled "they barely did" I rolled my eyes and repeated myself "but Sam no I'm not dating anyone at the moment" he nodded, we soon finished our breakfast and Cas and I cleaned up the dishes and put them away in the cupboards.

Cas and I showered separately while I showered Cas brushed his teeth and we switched over after I was done and then we dried and got dressed before joining Mary in preparing the Christmas meal.

The kitchen was hectic but we got through it together we all did our parts with cooking and preparing for tomorrows dinner and afterwards Cas and I made a fruit cake and mince pies so we would have plenty to last the break.

We decided that we should go for a drive so we weren't cooped up all the time in the house so we put our coats on and went to say goodbye, we exited the house and I took Cas around the neighbourhood as it snowed I pulled up into a parking lot which looked over on a hill and we got out to watch the snow, we sat on the hood of baby while snow fluttered down with it's icy cold flakes caressing our skin I turned to Cas and asked "so how much snow do you usually get?" He shrugged and replied "barely any but I love snow it's so elegant and brings joy" I smiled and we lay in silence until Cas started to shake from the cold and so I decided that we should head back as it hit darker.

I drove back as Cas heated up in baby with a smile, we got out of the car and headed back inside and before we took off our coats we decided to see what Bobby Mary and John where doing, they were in the living room and as I said "hey" they all smiled and I realised...

We had gotten caught in the mistletoe by Bobby who said "rules are rules Dean and Castiel, so go a head and no pecking!" I turned to Cas we both took very big gulps as I turned to Cas and he turned to me Mary had pulled out a camera as cas and I pulled each other into a kiss

I faintly heard the sounds of clicking but I ignored it as I pulled cas into one of the greatest kisses of my life I stumbled forward pushing him against the wall before pulling away and staring into his cerulean orbs as he stared back I could fee...

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I faintly heard the sounds of clicking but I ignored it as I pulled cas into one of the greatest kisses of my life I stumbled forward pushing him against the wall before pulling away and staring into his cerulean orbs as he stared back I could feel the stares of all of them but I didn't care as I whispered "wow Cas your an amazing kisser" him smiled as I continued "um well I don't know if you feel the same" he butter in "I do I really do!" I chuckled and finished off "well then, Castiel Novak will you be mine?" He smiled and nodded.

I then pulled him in for another kiss I combed my fingers through his messy jet black hair while letting my tongue take control and barging it's way into Castiel mouth we explored each other's mouths with our tongues before our kiss was interrupted.

By Sam "oh my god!" He was shocked at what he saw when he came down the stairs, I pulled away from Cas letting him breath as Mary punched Bobby and with his mouth ajar handed Mary a twenty pound note John began to laugh at them as he said "well it's about time you two kept eye fucking each other and the way you slept was definitely the way to go for this!" We all started to laugh before I cleared my throat "well I guess it's what you predicted with your bet Cas and I are now going to date properly" I smiled down at Cas as he smiled back up at me.

Soon after dinner Cas and I headed back up to my room.

I pushed him through the door and locked it behind me before climbing on top of him on my bed and kissing his lips dry he smiled and said "not now Dean I know you really want to believe me I do but your brother could hear!" I rolled my eyes and got off him and stripped to my boxers not bothering putting on my joggers Cas did the same before I pulled him into the bed and we spooned as I kissed his neck before I wanted to leave my mark so I kissed him some more before biting down slightly and sucking til I left a purple bruise that I was satisfied with and I then soon fell contently asleep with him wrapped tightly in my arms.

/hi, the art in this is my own and the story will continue onwards, I also want to tell you when I'm not writing this I have two other stories that I'm writing at the moment:

Son of a witch!
Dean and Sam were on a hunt tracking down Rowena and her small but mighty coven "the mega coven" Dean stubbles across some of the witches casting a spell he tries to stop them but he gets hit by some magic it doesn't stop him but what was the magic he was hit with?


Destiel I'll be your cheerleader
Castiel the cheerleader and the infamous Dean the jock who is the quarterback for the American football team and lead guitarist of a band, do there paths meet? Will it be love at first sight?

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