College Halloween party aftermath

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Dean's point of view
I woke up and opened my eyes realising that I was face to face with the cerulean orbs of Cas he had only just opened them but we stared at each other.

Until Cas broke the silence "how did I get out of that dress?" I blushed as I replied "um I took it off you and got you in your pyjamas while you were sleeping" he smiled and said "thank you"

I soon noticed that it wasn't just our faces close together our bodies were, our legs where intertwined with each other and our hips were touching the only part of us that wasn't touching was our faces though I wanted to smash my lips into his and tell him that I loved him more than a friend but that wasn't going to happen Cas didn't like me that way did he?

Castiel's point of view
Our bodies were glued together we couldn't move well I didn't want to but still if I wanted to I couldn't, we gazed for what felt like hours into each others eyes until we were distracted.


It was my alarm to get up for lessons we untangled ourselves and got up I put the pot of coffee on while Dean got a shower we switched after he was done and once we were both ready we exited the room to go to our lessons.

We walked side by side our arms brushing against each other Dean soon looked down at me my heart fluttering and I clinger onto every word he said like it was his last "bye Cas see you after lessons, maybe at lunch we can go back to anytime anything" I nodded as he smoothly walked away back down the hall I sighed.

I entered my psychology classroom and found a seat as soon as I sat down I began to daydream for a moment before I was interrupted by a boy who tapped me on my shoulder I slowly turned my head to the right to hear what he had to say the boy had dark ginger hair with bright hazel eyes with a beauty mark above his left eyebrow he also had a tattoo which reached around his neck I couldn't quite make out what it was but as I looked back up I noticed his lip was pierced through the middle and that he had dangling earrings coming of each of his earlobes, he spoke with pep in his voice as he asked "hey your Juliet from the other night aren't you?" I nodded and replied "I'm the guy who dressed as Juliet, yes" the guys eyes lit up with joy as he held out his hand and smiled "I'm Ryan" I shook his hand and replied "Castiel" he smiled and continued "so are you and your roommate Dean like dating?" I was taken a back by the question as I wanted to say 'yes' or 'I hope so soon' but I couldn't so I just replied "no we aren't dating" Ryan nodded as he pulled out my hand and wrote something on it I pulled away when he was done and it read:

Ryan's number

He then smiled and asked "if you ever want to go out sometime all you have to do is call" I was shocked at this but I asked "are you asking me on a date?" He smirked "if you want to" I didn't know what to say until I blurted out "um sorry no I'm sort of into someone else" he looked hurt at my words and I said "I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you" he nodded as he looked up and replied "it's okay I know how you feeling this random guy shows up and asks you out, I'm sorry Castiel for making you feel awkward" I nodded as he moved over.

I was still shocked until professor Blate entered the room and writing a title as she began the lecture, the lecture was good but I was glad to be out of that room it was way to overwhelming after Ryan did that but I just shook my head as I walked to the exit.

As soon as I was out of the room I was met with Dean who ruffled my hair with his hand as he took me to my last lecture of the day it was sociology he dropped me off and I entered the lecture by professor Dormad was good but I couldn't wait to see Dean afterwards, he was waiting for me again as I exited the room.

We walked back up to our dorm to drop off our things before heading back down to Dean's car so he could drive us to anytime anything.

Once Dean had parked up, we walked inside to eat lunch we had the same as the two times before and it was amazing the franchise of these restaurants was top class but the food wasn't extremely expensive it was an average price for a normal restaurant.

Once we got back to our dorm we got into our pyjamas crashed on to Dean's bed because nether of us could be bother to move the tv back to the front room so we lay their and watched the tv together I subconsciously snuggled into Dean but he didn't mind he let me rest my head on him as we watched hours of shows til we both fell asleep still in his bed.

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