Second day back

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Castiel's point of view
I woke up warm in the clothes I wore yesterday but something felt different and then I realised...

There was someone spooning with me there legs intertwined with mine and there head nestled into the back of my shoulder.

It was Dean I don't know how it happened but he was in bed with me I turned my head to my clock and saw the time it was only eight am and Dean and I didn't have any classes today which was good so I let myself fall back to sleep snuggled in his arms.

I woke up two hours later to a knock at our door Dean was still asleep so I shook him awake and all he said in his morning husky voice was "morning sunshine" I don't even thing he realised what he said till I asked "how did you get in my bed?" He blushed a bit and replied "you pulled me in" I blushed as the knocking got louder so we got up and investigated.

Dean opened the door to Nate of course it was Nate with a huge smile he burst into the room and Dean closed the door as Nate said "you two look like you've just woken up" Dean glared at him and replied "because we just have" Nate looked at us with confusion "but your both dressed" Dean replied "we both fell asleep in our clothes" Nate nodded as he said "Nice clothes Castiel this is the first time I've ever seen you in any thing other than a suit or pyjamas" I nodded as he continued "so nice to see you two back, and how would you two feel about going to a dorm Halloween party your costume have to match each other so you know which room your from but what do you think?" Dean whispered into my ear "Juliet do you want to go to another party?" I chuckled as he said this and Nate impatiently asked "what's that about?" I quickly whispered into Dean's ear a reply "I am if you are Romeo" he chuckled back before Dean replied to Nate saying "Cas stayed at mine for the October break and we'll we already went to a party with costumes that matched my little brother chose them for us and we took them back with us" Nate's eyes lit up as he almost shouted "show me now!" Dean and I chuckled as I said "maybe" Nate looked desperately at us with puppy eyes Dean though and said "we'll show you if you give us the picture" Nate glared at Dean as he said "but that's my blackmailing picture" I shrugged "well no costumes if no picture" he reluctantly left for the picture Dean gave me a high five and we hugged before Nate returned and closed the door before giving Dean the picture Dean took the picture and put it in his room before I opened the door and said "you should change in my room because I will most likely need help again" he chuckled and grabbed his costume and went into my room as Nate went and sat on the sofa.

We entered my room and stripped Dean helped me put the dress on and did the corset up as his then put on a pare of green skinny jeans instead of the tights and he put on the long sleeved blouse and the jacket with no sleeves and then he turned to me and put my vail like headdress on me as I put his hat on and we put our shoes on and went back to the main room.

Nate was sat waiting till we stood there and Dean cleared his throat to get Nate's attention, Nate spun round and jumped of the sofa and walked over to us with a smile "so who are you supposed to be?" Before either of us could answer he said "no wait are you two Romeo and Juliet!" We nodded as he then said "well the gayer version" Dean glared at him and said "no the version they would have had on the stage" Nate looked confused so I then replied "the version Shakespeare would have had on stage because women weren't allowed to be actors" he nodded and smiled "you two are adorable I'm afraid that you now have no choice you have to go to the party" Dean rolled his eyes and asked "what are you and Josh going as?" Nate replied "umm I think Men in black agents" Dean chuckled and said "you should do one like ours" I nodded and said "you could do Macbeth and lady Macbeth or Hamlet and Ophelia" he chose and replied "that's a good idea I'll call Josh now" he called Josh and suggested Macbeth and Lady Macbeth costume idea and to our surprise when Nate got off the phone he said "well Shakespeare is our theme then!" Dean and I chuckled.

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