Starting classes

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Dean's point of view
The rest of that week went smoothly we got fully settled I called Sammy like I promised he was still upset that the next time I would be home was the October break but he couldn't wait till then so he said "you have to call more often than once a week! Why can't you call every day!?" This made me chuckle and I told him "I will call three times a week then, how about that Sammy?" His eyes and voice lit up to this and he had a huge smile "yesss!" He said excitedly before handing the phone back to our mother "ok I'll let you get on but you are doing Halloween with Sammy and you will decorate your dorm for this!" I chuckled and said "yes I will do everything Halloween with Sammy and I will get my roommate to help decorate this dorm don't worry about it I'll call next when my classes start, bye now love you guys" my mum hung up and I went to see what Cas was doing he was on the sofa with a book and bee mug this made my chuckle inside.
But thar week was over and my classes finally start today, I woke up to my alarm at 7am I got up and put a pot of coffee on before heading into the shower and getting dressed I put the coffee into Cas and I's mugs and went to go see if he was awake because I had heard his alarm go off but no movement so I walked in and spoke quietly "morning Cas I have your mug of coffee time to get up" Cas was rapped up in all his blankets at plushies he looked so adorable, he turned to me and looked me up and down before saying "hello Dean" in a husky deep raspy voice the voice sent my stomach into butterflies as he spun round so he was sitting up and his arms were trying to reach the coffee which I smiled and handed it to him.

Castiel's point of view
I have never liked waking up but especially today I was so cozy while I was rapped up in my what felt like hundreds of blankets and my bees my bees where all around me as I cuddled up to them Dean had walked in with my bee mug of coffee and said "morning Cas I have a your mug of coffee time to get up" I replied to him "hello Dean" before sitting up facing him and reaching out for my coffee which he then with his adorable smile handed it to me.
The week before had gone so fast it felt Gabriel called once asking if he could bring a stove so we could cook I told him no it wasn't allowed which made him whine and he decided that he was going to talk to the principal but luckily from a lot of begging him I convinced him not to.
After finishing my coffee I got up and got showered and dressed while Dean was waiting for me he said "I'll walk you to your first class because it's next to mine" I had philosophy that morning while he had automotive repair, I put my trench coat on and I walked next to Dean as we went to class.

Dean's point of view
As Cas came out of his room with his trench coat on I felt under dressed I was wearing my thin Lizzy's t-shirt and a pare of jeans and a flannel while he was wearing black trousers shirt and a blazer with a blue tie plus his trench coat I mean wow he looked good but I feel very underdressed. I walked him to his philosophy class and then I wandered over to my automotive repair class it was quite boring I already knew most the stuff all I had to do was right notes on the parts of a car like the chassis or the brakes I mean who doesn't know where the brakes are? My mind drifted off I wonder how Cas's class is going probably much better than mine I was poked out of my thoughts my a nervous wreck of a guy who stuttered "c-can I-I b-borrow y-your n-notes, please?" I passed him over my notes feeling sorry for him he had no idea what he was doing so I talked him through it.

Castiel's point of view
After Dean had left me I strolled into the class see a perfect seat so I walked over to it and sat there and watched people crowd into the room filling it up nicely I found myself next to a guy named David who had been doodling on the cover of his book and Jane from the other night she spoke to me and said "you looked very adorable when Dean carried you out back to your dorm" I blushed at this because I had seen the picture which Dean had put on the fridge next to the one that Gabriel took. When class had started we both started making notes and then Jane handed me a bit of ripped paper which said:

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