October break-day 3 Halloween party

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Third-person point of view
As the sun rose Castiel was snuggled up in Dean's muscular arms there legs intertwined with one another there breathing was synchronised as they lay in the bed with there bodies having no space between them not even a small gap they both woke up but nether moved nether knew the other was awake Dean blushed as his arms were rapped around his roommates body and Castiel just lay there listening to Dean's breathing and his heart beat he soon noticed something had change he felt a bulge on his back he nervously closed his eyes not sure what to do, Dean had felt his pants getting tighter but there was nothing he could do in his current situation but to close his eyes and to try think of anything other than Castiel's body intertwined with his, they soon feel back to sleep still with there legs intertwined and Dean's arms still rapped around Castiel's body.

Mary's point of view
The moment I got up I knew that I wanted to check on Dean and Castiel to see if they were asleep in the same position as they were yesterday morning but I held off and got a shower John had gotten up after I was dressed and was slowly strolling to the bathroom while stretching I went downstairs the stairs to put a pot of coffee on and I went back up the stairs to wake Sam and Jess and when they were down the stairs pouring themselves cereal I went to look in on Dean and Castiel I opened the door and gazed at my boy and his friend they were closer than yesterday they looked so peaceful that I almost didn't want to wake them but I knew I had to because if I didn't John probably would and then probably lecture them on personal space and that he told them to sleep head to toe so I slowly closed the door and walked over to Dean's curtains and opened them they both groaned at this and pulled away from each other with huge blushes on there faces I chuckled and walked down stairs to find Jess and Sam eating cornflakes and talking about tonight's party they sounded very excited and they laughed while looking at the pictures on Sam's phone I ask "what's on your phone?" He shows me the picture of Dean and Castiel in different costumes he then said "this one is my favourite" he shows me a picture of Castiel who is bright red wearing a princess Laya bikini and Dean looking pink in the face looking at him while he is wearing Han Solo's outfit I chuckled and asked Sam "could you send me the pictures" so I would have a picture of my boy and his I believe soon to be boyfriend of course I would never tell Sam that because he would just ruin the moments they had by telling them soon enough Dean and Castiel stroll down the stairs there eyes barely open as the walk up to the heated coffee pot they grab two mugs one which says 'I love you' and the other says 'I know' Dean had the 'I know' one and Castiel had the 'I love you' one this just made me chuckle to my self as I remember the picture that Sam just showed me John came down the stairs dressed and ready for work in his mechanic jumpsuit I handed him a mug of coffee he chugged it and said "I'm off now" he kissed me on the cheek and marched towards the door he opened it and he was off. Dean and Castiel were synchronised while drinking there coffees Sam the spoke "how can you like coffee it's so bitter and gross" Dean chuckled and said "well it's and adult drink so it makes sense why you don't like it" this made Sam scowl at Dean and I chuckled.

Third-person point of view
As Castiel and Dean drank there coffees there legs touched under the table causing Castiel to shiver in delight and Dean tried hard not to notice there legs brushing against each other. They soon finished there coffees and went up stairs to shower once they were both changed they continued to read Romeo and Juliet together and they messed around and pretend to be Romeo and Juliet like the costumes they had Castiel says "Romeo Romeo where art thou Romeo?" They both chucked and Dean says "I take thee at thy word Call me but love, and I'll be new baptised Henceforth I never will be Romeo" they both chuckled as they continued to quote Romeo and Juliet lines to each other while Sam and Jess were in the living room watching doctor who as Mary grabbed her things and left for work.

On the sofa was Sam and Jess, Sam sat there with Jess' head leaning into the crook of his neck while they watched doctor who almost quoting every line word for word back up stairs was Dean and Castiel deciding to put there costumes on Dean put his tight like leggings on and his blouse looking at him self in the mirror and saying "do you think any one would notice if I swapped the leggings for a black pair of skinny jeans?" Castiel rolled his eyes and said "maybe were the leggings underneath the jeans" Dean nodded and put them on then his attention turned to Castiel who was trying to do up his back so Dean walks up and zipped him up and then helped him with his corset the both grabbed each others hat and put them on each other Dean was making sure the vale like bit on Castiel's hat sat right once they were fully dressed they chuckled and began quoting Romeo and Juliet lines to one another Dean says "come, bitter conduct, come, unsavoury guide! The dashing rocks thy sea-sick weary bark! O true apothecary! Thus a kiss I die" And Castiel then says "O happy dagger, This is thy sheath" they chuckle again and they hear noises coming closer to there room and a knock they had no time to get out of the costumes so they throw there hats and jump under the covers so only there heads popped out Sam then entires and looks at them and rolls his eyes and Says "we should get ready for the party now we should leave in 30 minutes" he leave the room and both Dean and Castiel chuckle as the hop out of the bed already ready Castiel then asks "how I'm I supposed to pee in this?" Dean says with a shrug "I guess you lift the front of it up" Castiel nods and grabs there hats while Dean adjusts his corset so it's tighter and has a nice bow in it they put there slipper like shoes that came with the outfits and grab there wallets while exiting the room and head down stairs to see Jess putting some makeup on Sam so it looks like a 5 o'clock shade Dean puts his hat on and adjusts Castiel's vail again when Jess is done they walk down towards baby and hop in Dean helps Castiel in so that his dress didn't get stuck on any thing they then drive of towards the party.

At the party

They arrive at the party Dean gets out and walks over to help Castiel out of the car he then locks the car and they walk up to the front door which is already open Sam and Jess enter first with a crowd of cheering then Dean and Castiel enter holding each others hands high and Castiel curtsies while Dean bows they laugh looking at everyone else's costumes, there were dinosaurs Victorians and a Jack the Ripper with a few victims there were cowboys and cow girls a few different doctors all different Sam was the only 11th doctor in his bow tie and jacket.

Dean's point of view
After Castiel and I entered a few of my old school friends came up to us "Hey Dean who's your Juliet" one of them says while patting me on the back I say "my Juliet is called Cas" "Cas this is Harvey and those there are Peter, Liam and last but never least Even" they all fawn around us with excitement my arm was using Cas's shoulder as an arm rest as Peter asks "so can you elaborate on who Cas is?" I say "Cas is my roommate from collage he had no where to go for October break so I brought him hear and Sammy got us to wear these ridiculous outfits" Cas chuckled at this and says "Cas is short for Castiel" the guys who were surrounding us where playing a bit with Castiel's dress we then moved to the sofa and sat down around the sofa all of us had beers in our hands as we chatted through the night before long the beer had turned into shots of vodka and tequila as the night passed I found myself fiddling with Castiel's veil while he sat on my lap his head leaning into the crook of my neck while his eyes tried hard to stay open. After a while Sam and Jess walk up to Cas and i we were both drunk out of our minds our heads leaning against each other and looking down the rest of my old school friend where passed out on the floor Sam pulls at my sleeve and says "Dean can we go now?" I stood up while cradling the sleeping Cas in my arm and say slurry my words a bit "yeah th-that seems like a-a plan" I carry Cas m bridle style to the parked up baby I place Cas inside on the passenger seat while Jess and Sam hop into the back I stumble my way to the drivers seat and turn the ignition on and pat my hands on the steering wheel as I pull out of the drive I shook my head and concentrated on the road a head and before I knew it we where back home I pull up and get out and stumble again over to the passenger seat and scoop Cas up and Carry him inside hi head resting on my shoulder as I bring him up to my room placing him on my bed as I gaze down at him laying flat asleep almost like Juliet I then grab the covers and place them over his body and snuggle in beside him I was half sitting up and I was thinking of Romeo's last lines and I say slurring my words once again "Thus a kiss I die" and I peck his lips and crash down to sleep.

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