College Halloween party

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Dean's point of view
I woke up with a slight headache in my bed with sunlight peaking through the curtains but I wasn't alone I had Cas asleep next to me I don't really remember how that happened but I was glad I brought him in closer to me he was so cuddly he was like a giant teddy even though he did have abs which I saw yesterday in the shower though I had seen them when I helped him into the dress it wasn't a good look like in the shower he was toned but I guess that didn't mean that he wasn't going to be cuddly, I tightened my rap around him he didn't seem to mind because he moved into me so naturally it would have seemed that we did this all the time.

But our sleeping moment was soon ruined by a loud banging on the door, we both woke up and looked at each other and our possession and blushed out of embarrassment immensely and then we tried to undo ourselves but we just ended up rolling around and then...


We had fallen onto the floor rapped in the duvet unable to move Cas was pinned down on top of me but his face didn't quite reach mine because our bottom half's were smushed together meaning that our cocks we're touching we did have clothing on though but when Cas looked up at me and I looked down we both blushed a deep crimson before trying to move out of the position.

We got out of that position but I don't think it helped because now are faces were centimetres apart and we couldn't move away because of the duvet pulling us together, our eyes locked and I thought of something to break the awkward silence "hey two days in a row how about that" we both burst out laughing when we heard another bang at the door, we didn't know how to release ourselves from this situation so we justifiably didn't and we rolled back over to the bed where we pulled ourselves up into a standing position and shuffled to the door.

I opened the door slightly and said "Nate this isn't a great time, um I'm not decent" it was the first thing that I could think of saying, but the returning voice was far from being Nate's it said "oh wow Deany your not decent let me see, since I am your girlfriend" I felt so confused I didn't have a girlfriend and I looked back at Cas who looked upset and was looking down I lighted lifted his chin and whispered "I don't have a flying fuck as to who this is I don't have a girlfriend" I didn't know what to do but before I could say anything more to Cas the door swung open and the girl who was stood there was the girl Nate made me go on a date with she waltzed right in I closed the door behind her and shouted "you woke us up for this shit!" She glared at me "I thought because the night went so well that you would walk me to class and be my date to the Halloween thing" I looked back at Cas before looking at her with confusion as I was about to reply she grabbed the end of the duvet and pulled it as hard as she could sending Cas and I spinning until we fell with another...


but this time I wasn't on the bottom Cas was he was lying on the cold floor with me on top there was inches between us we locked eyes with one another but our concentration was short lasted as the girl screamed "GET UP!" I pulled off of Cas and stood up letting down a hand for him which he took and I pulled him up off of the floor as the girl continued "Deany we had a connection you saw it right?" I shook my and I was getting annoyed because she was tapping her shoe and glaring at Cas and before I could reply she shouted "who the fuck is this little git!" I was now extremely pissed of I shouted back at "IM SO SORRY BUT I DONT EVEN KNOW YOUR NAME! AND HE IS MY ROOMMATE AND MY BEST FRIEND SO INSULTING HIM IS THE WRONG WAY TO GET MY ATTENTION BITCH!" she went silent after that and tears fell from her caky face as she ran out of the door slamming it behind her I turned to Cas and pulled him in for a hug and I whispered "hey it's okay she won't come back now and hey now we are out of the duvet" we both chuckled as we went back into my room we didn't have a lesson till the afternoon.

When the afternoon came I got into the shower and Cas stayed in my bed we had moved the tv in there to watch a movie and snuggle though it sounded quite girl like it was very fun I got out of the shower and got dressed before grabbing my bag and telling Cas "hey when I'm back I'll walk you to your next lesson and walk back with you here after so we can get dressed for the Halloween thing" he nodded and then rapped him self tighter in my duvet, I left the dorm and walked to my class vehicle manufacturing which was a two hour lecture which wasn't entirely bad.

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