8. Waffles

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"So.. you're telling me.. you guys are.. friends?"

"Yeah.. I guess so."

"Just friends, right?"

"Yeah.." the brunette hesitantly replied, to which the other two males raised an eyebrow.


"Hm..?" He avoided looking at the phone.

"You are just friends.. right?" The youngest asked.

"Yes, of course." He still avoided the camera.

"Felix... Felix!" The oldest suddenly caught on.


"Felix! No!" He whined.

Suddenly, the light bulb went off in the youngest's brain and his eyes enlarged greatly.

"What?" Felix asked, playing dumb.

"Don't tell me.." Beomgyu worried. Felix slowly began to smirk and hide his smile as he saw his friends catching on to what he was conveying. That told his friends everything.

"Felix!" They exclaimed in unison.

"Do you... like him?" Jisung hesitantly asked and Felix simply remained quiet with the same smirk.

"Felix, he's an asshole!" The boy continued.

"Okay, I don't like him.. but I've gained an interest for him." He defended himself.

"Even then, Lix— not Hyunjin. I don't like him for you. Boys like him are players." Jisung added as Beomgyu simply listened.

"But you guys haven't fully met him like I have, you know? We've.. connected in a way. It sounds dumb, but the Hyunjin I've met is different from the one everyone knows." Felix gushed and his friends looked at him through the screen as if they had just seen a rotten apple,

"That's how he lured everyone, Lix. And now he's got you— bang the innocent boy and be king of the school for doing the impossible. You're just in his luring trap." Says Jisung and Felix feels disappointment from his best friends' disapproval.

"Well, maybe this was diff-"

"He's a player, Lix. A no-good, cunning, gross player. You shouldn't associate yourself with people like him."

"Jisung, calm down for a sec, yeah? If you talk like that, you're only gonna make him feel like he needs to hide." Beomgyu interrupted as Jisung rolled his eyes.

"Look, Lix. We know Hyunjin has a reputation on messing with people's feelings. Now, maybe there's a chance you could be different, and if he makes you happy, then you should stay. But you should remain cautious because you never know with him." Beomgyu softly stated as Felix was deep in thought while listening. He really wanted to be right.



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