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"I gotta admit, Hyunjin, this was something borderline unacceptable. You were doing very well and then caused a scene on a public school trip."

"Mr. Kang, you have to understand-"

"It is fully my decision as to whether or not this will go on your record. Granted, it happened outside of school premises, but it was still during an educational trip that was meant to be thrilling. I almost have no choice but to withhold your diploma in a few months."

Felix and Hyunjin's eyes went wide at the statement the Dean made, sitting up more properly in their seats.

"Thus, I will be nice. Your community service at the shelter will continue throughout the second semester. You will have the next two weeks off for winter break. Once you return, you will go back." Mr. Kang ordered and the two boys scoffed, speechless. Hyunjin's heart sank to his stomach. He was okay with spending more time at the shelter, but not for this reason.

"Mr. Kang, please-"

"Give me one good reason I should hear you out, Hwang. Yeonjun is already punished with detention this week. You just broke your streak of goodness in a second." Mr. Kang explained, grabbing a file from his drawer, full of Hyunjin's bad records.

"Mr. Kang, shouldn't that be a reason to deduct his punishment?" Felix said, making both of the older males look at him in confusion.

"Felix, it's fine-"

"Hyunjin hasn't had a single bad day since October. It's been basically two months since he caused trouble. How is it fair that he has to suffer more after doing so well?" Felix interfered, trying to defend Hyunjin.

"He caused a collision with an innocent student, Mr. Lee. He already has an awful record and this-"

"Yeonjun had been harassing us that entire trip."

"I beg your pardon?" Mr Kang furrowed his brows as Felix sighed, looking at Hyunjin. The Raven was surprised by Felix's sudden outspoken behavior.

"Yeonjun and I had a conflict in October and I stopped talking to him. Well, I guess that made him bitter because since leaving for the winter resort, he began invading our privacy, started arguments and even tried to force himself into our hotel room. The fight between the two of them wasn't Hyunjin's fault. If anything... it was mine." He spoke, seeming down by the end of his tangent.

"What? No, Felix-"

"Why do you say this, Mr. Lee?" The Dean asked, confused, but he didn't know what really caused all of this and Felix needed to tell him.

"Yeonjun... he acted out of jealousy. Me and Hyunjin, we're..." He looked at the Raven, whose face showed concern. He looked at the brunette, anticipating if he was really going to announce their relationship status. They agreed to refrain from telling Mr. Kang because he may remove them from their volunteer program, but Felix didn't care if it meant Hyunjin didn't get in trouble.

"We're together. Like... dating. Officially. We have been for a while now. But Yeonjun has had feelings for me since we met, and being with Hyunjin, he's made choices that have targeted and attempted to damage our relationship. He was the one who kept provoking the situation, not Hyunjin. You can't keep his diploma from him, Mr. Kang. Hyunjin was simply trying to make sure I wasn't harmed when I was threatened. If there is anyone to punish, it's Yeonjun. However, he's already received a consequence. So please, clear this from Hyunjin's record." Felix stated, taking a deep breath when he was done.

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